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少儿英语小故事The wolf and the hares




The wolf and the hares狼和野兔

The wind is blowing . It is snowing . The wolf is coming and say : “ I’m a wolf , I’m hungry .” The wolf is going the hares. “ open the door .” The hare say: “ who is it ?” the wolf say : “it’s me , Grandma .” “Grandma ? No, it’s not Grandma .” The wolf comes to the hares’ again , with a basket of bread. . “ open the door . I bring you bread” The hares say to their sister : “Ah! It’s the wolf . we can’t open the door .” The wolf is very angry . He is hitting at the door . “Open the door ! I want to come in !” The hares say : “ you are the wolf . we can’t let you in !” the hares are very clever .


天正刮着风下着雪。狼出来了,他很饿。他来到了野兔家“开门”。野兔问:“是谁呀?”“是我,我是你的外婆。”“外婆?不,不是。”狼又拿来了甜品来了,“快开门,我带来了面包。” 野兔对他的姐妹们说:“他是狼,我们不开门。”狼很生气,他踢着门说:“快开门!我要进去!”野兔说:“你是狼,我们不让你进来。”野兔真聪明。

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