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剑桥少儿英语辅导预备级上册Unit 3




一、Teaching aims and demands:  *Can understand some simple actions and do it  *Know the meaning of “catch、run .”  *Can read and write letter Bb and can read the new words about Bb  *Can read the sentences of part 7 on page 11  二、Important and difficult points:  catch ! Run to the …… door table window  boys girls blackboard teacher flowers cab cap  三、Teaching method and steps:  Step1:Bring some toys to the classroom at the beginning of the class, throw them to the classes one by one and say: Catch! If they can understand what’s meaning, take out the pictures show to them and teach the new words: ball, door, window, blackboard, teacher, flowers  Step2: Go to the playground play games and learn: Please be ready. Run!  Group them into boys and girls. Have a rally race. Then queue in a line, do some actions (Who is the fastest):  Run to the door! Run to the table! Run to the window!  Run to the teacher! Run to the flowers!  Then chant it and do it:  Catch a ball, run to the door.  Catch a pen, run to Ben.  Catch a pencil, run to the middle.  Catch, run, catch, run, catch and run.  Step3:Go back to the classroom, have a rest, then color it on page 12.then listen and circles on page 12  Step4:take a piece of paper and ask them ?What’s this ?It’s a piece of paper ,yes ,now cut it into a shape of big moon ,and then ask :What’s this now ?--- Yes ,it’s moon .What does it look like ike a smiling face , like the letter C c .Who said it likes letter C c ,will be prized . Say: c is the moon, C c is the moon. We are on the moon, we are on the moon.  Step5: Show them pictures and teach: cab, cap, and cat. Can add some words about Cc.  Step6: Teach them how to write letter Cc.  Step7: Exercises:  Speak out and do actions:  Run to the door! Run to the table! Run to the window!  Run to the teacher! Run to the flowers!  Stand! Sit! Catch! Run!  Ask and answer in pairs: What’s this? It’s a big C. What’s this? It’s a small c.  Practice reading and writing letter C c

剑桥少儿英语辅导预备级上册Unit 3希望为小朋友带来一个理想的成绩。





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