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What was the weather like yesterday ? It was …?

What is your favourtite season ? Spring .

What’s the matter with you ? I have a cold .

What will you do if you are hungry / angry/ sad / lonely … ?

I will eat cakes .

What do you like to wear ? I like to wear a coat .

What do you usually do at school ? I usually read books .

What do you usually do on National Day ? Watch TV .

What’s for dinner ? Rice and fish .

What sport do you like to play ? I like to play basketball .

What sport is the easiest / hardest / most dangerous ?

What were you doing at 7 yesterday evening ?

I was doing homework .

What do you usually do at this time ? Watch TV

What’s it called ? It’s called …?

What’s that made of / made from ? It’s made of /from …?

What will you do if it’s sunny tomorrow ? I will …?

What’s your house like ? It’s big and clean .

What’s your full / other /sure name ?

What pet has Michael got ? A dog .

What’s the monkey’s favourite food ?

What sports do you prefer playing ?Why ?Football. It’s easy .

What time does the film start/ begin ? It starts at 7:00 .

What school holidays do you have during a year ?

Summer holidays and winter holidays .

What do you want to do ? I want to …?

What does she want to be in the future ? She wants to be a…?

What do you enjoy doing ? I enjoy reading books .

What can you help your parents to do at home ?

I can help them to clean the house .

What did you do last weekend ? I played football .

What sport does he like most ? He likes … .

What’s her job ? She’s a doctor .

What are he hobbies ?

What is she cooking ? A cake .

What is she using ? She’s using chocolate and flour .

What do you usually do on your birthday? Eat a cake .

What film is she going to see ? Harry Potter .

What do you do after school ? Play basketball .

What do you have for supper ? Rice and fish .

What do you usually do during the holidays ? Take a trip .

What did you do last holiday ? I visited my grandparents .






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