


【摘要】小升初考试的压力和竞争逐年加剧,很多重点初中院校不仅看重学生在小升初考试的排名,而且对小学生英语证书也有一定的要求。威廉希尔app 为大家提供剑桥少儿英语二级上册单词表,希望大家有所参考!请大家阅读剑桥少儿英语二级上册单词表:

Unit1 I’ve got many new friends.

Great Wall make friends American lovely sure maybe tomorrow pet

Unit2 Is this book yours?

my mine your yours his his her hers our ours their theirs beard blonde coat scarf dirty clean sweater

Unit3 Our school is beautiful.

pretty sports centre place practise café lake bank shop round square quiet strong thin hungry thirsty tired weak different famous learn take pictures take photos bloom tired

Unit4 Miss, can I ask you a question?

ask a question riddle chocolate straight curly minus plus minute blanket well done have a try crocodile comic lizard shark spider

Unit5 How about coming with us?

way today enjoy rainbow street market hospital bus station cinema supermarket address truck lorry waterfall forest village opposite river money see a film

Unit6 He likes reading picture books.

get up best look at good idea story picture comic cookery

by the way

Unit7 You mustn’t drop litter in the park!

drop litter drive throw…at… dolphin pick flowers shout grass edible

Unit8 Who is the winner?

winner problem fly match ring room stick work hard boring interesting all the time naughty exciting pupil help each other

Unit9 Sally is taller than Ben.

short shorter long longer small smaller big bigger old older young younger thin thinner fat fatter distance from…to…

be afraid of

Unit10 Did you know?

metre land sailfish travel snowman whale ladder difficult easy grow moustache lift balcony shoulder basement P57,part2

Unit11 I went to the zoo yesterday.

do did go went have had wonderful yesterday saw gave rode spoke took bought ran porridge sat slept P63,part2

Unit12 Has your school got a swimming pool?

get up visit indoor outdoor P69,part2 wolf hunter safe city

Unit13 My seven days

save tie be careful middle kick-off beetle feeler dice free pasta after before

Unit14 How often does he have sports?

beef steak pie sea food silly rule laugh point terrible noise push pull

Unit15 I enjoy reading picture stories!

poor angry beanstalk castle fairy golden ever after seed wardrobe

Unit16 Winter fun

winter skate shark guitar P97--101





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