





(  )1、A. going B. doing C. swimming D. shoping

( ) 2、A. sunny B. wet C. weather D. how

( ) 3、A. my B. mine C. your D. yours

( ) 4、A. better B. best C. good D. beautiful

( ) 5、A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Sunday D. Thursday

( ) 6、A. week B. weekday C. weekend D. Sunday

( ) 7、A. shall B. can C. could D. should

( ) 8、A. matter B. wrong C. up D. right

( ) 9、A. let B. let’s C. It’s D. Is

( )10、A. and B. while C. but D. get


( ) 1、A. I usually go to the movies. B. I did my homework.

C. I am washing. D. Thank you.

( ) 2、A. You’re welcome. B. The same to you.

C. It doesn ’t matter.   D. Do it again.

( ) 3、A. At 8:00 B. By bike C. Every day D. No

( ) 4、A. Once a week. B. Two times a day.

C. Not at all. D. I like cats.

( ) 5、A. Yes, I do. B. No, thanks. C. An apple, please. D. A big one.



( ) 1、——______ that your bag? —— Yes, it is.

A. Am   B. Are   C. Is    D. /

( ) 2、—— What is she doing? —— ______ .

A. I am watch        B. He is watching TV.

C. He is watching TV.      D. She is watching TV.

( ) 3、—— Where are you going? —— _____.

A. I am going to the library.  B. I am reading a book.

C. I am reading a book.  D. I like reading.

( ) 4、—— I s your father going to the park ? —— _____.

A. Yes, he isn’t. B. Yes, he is.   C. No, he is.   D. Yes, she is.

( ) 5、——It’s rainy today. —— Please ______.

A. take your umbrella B. put on your sunglasses.

C. make a snowman. D. put on a hat.

( ) 6. ——Whose CD is this? —— ______.

A. It’s mine. B. Yes, it’s mine. C. No, It’s Kelly’s. D. It’s Kelly.

( ) 7. —— ______ am an English girl. ——______ name is Hellen.

A. I, I B. My, My C. I, My D. My, I

( ) 8. —— I like cats, ______ I don’t like dogs.

A. and B. but C. or D. also

( ) 9. —— ______ are you? —— I’m twelve.

A. How B. What time C. What D. How old

( )10. —— Can you spell your name? —— _______.

A. Yes, I am B. Yes, I can C. No, I can D. Yes, I am not

( )11. ——My shoes ______ red.

A. is B. are C. am D. be

( )12. —— What sports do you like?

—— I like ______, but he likes ______.

A. swimming, playing soccer. B. swimming, to play soccer

C. to swim, playing soccer D. swim, play soccer

( )13. —— My mother went to the food market. ——She ______.

A. bought two books. B. bought meat and fruit.

C. put some money there D. did housework

( )14. ——He often ______ the piano on Monday.

A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing

( ) 15. ——My mother can ______ a car.

A. drive B. drives C. to drive D. driving

( )16. ——What day is it today? —— _______.

A. It’s a fine day B. It’s going to rain

C. It’s Monday D. It’s July 11.

( )17. ——It’s only 10 minutes left. I ______ be hurry to catch the train.

A. have to B. can C. would D. could

( )18. ——You should ______ an apple every day.

A. had B. eat C. eating D. to eat

( )19. ——What would you ______ to do?

A. like B. likes C. liked D. liking

( )20. —— Ted and May go ______ on Sunday.

A. shop B. shopping C. shopped D. to shopping


1. ——______ do you like science ? ——Because it’s interesting.

2. ——______ you swim ? ——Yes, I can.

3. What t______ do you get up every day ?

4. What’s your favorite c______ ? It’s blue.

5. Is she your English t______ ? Yes, she is.


1. January is the ______ (one) month of a year.

2. Can you see some ______ (child) in the room?

3. ——What are ______ (this) ? ——They are books.

4. ——Do you like ______ (play) soccer ? ——Yes, I do.

5. These are my ______. (father and mother)


1. best, my, is, Mary, friend


2. you, like, would, apples, some


3. often, you, do, to, go, movies, how


4. wrong, what, is, you, with


5. isn’t, any, food, there, fridge, the, in








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