




shopping played hungry some did

1. There are ______ apples in the fridge.

2. Yesterday afternoon, I ______ football with Sam.

3. ______ he clean the floor yesterday evening?

4. Last week, my mother went _______ for my birthday party.

5. I was very _____, so I ate 2 burgers.


in on under in front of behind

1. The hat is _____ my head.

2. The animals are _____ the zoo.

3. I am shorter than Tom, so I sit _________ him.

4. Where’s the cat? I can’t see it.

It’s _______ the door.

5. It’s very hot. Let’ s hav


1. A: Can you catch the bird?

B: No, I ______.

2. A: Where did you go yesterday?

B: I _____ to Shanghai.

3. A: ______ did you get up last Sunday?

B: At 7:30.

4. A: What did you do yesterday?

B: I _______ TV and made dumplings.

5. A: Why did you go to bed so early?

B: Because I felt ______.


1. Last week, I ______ (buy) many fish.

2. Yesterday morning, I _______ (get up) very late.

3. What _____ (do) you ______(eat) yesterday afternoon?

I _____ (eat) some hamburgers.

4. I _____ (be) in Grade 2 last year. Now, I ______(be) in Grade 3.

5. Last Sunday, I ______ (go) to a small village by car.

6. Tom usually _____ (come) to school at 7:00.


1. bread some is there fridge the in



2.doll buy did a yesterday you



3.table there a book Maths is on the



4.did what you for eat supper



5.you go bed to when did night last



1).-How are you? -___________.

A.How are you B.I’m fine, thank you C.I’m seven

2).-Can you climb trees? -________

A.Yes, I can’t B.Yes, I do C.No, I can’t

3). Tom is ______ in our class.

A.taller B.tallest C.the tallest

4).-Which is the first day of a week? -__________

A.Tuesday B.Sunday C.Saturday

5).–Where are the boys?

A.It’s on the desk B.They are in the classroom

C. They are boys

6). There _____ some coffee in the cup.

A.is B.isn’t C.are

7).-What did you do last Sunday? -________

A.watch TV B.played soccer C.swimming

8).–Did you have a good time? -__________

A.Yes, I do B.Yes, I can C.Yes, I did

9).–What did you eat for lunch? -________

A. Sausages B. Yes, I did C. I didn’t like it

10).-___they ___ mountains yesterday morning? -Yes, they did.

A. Do climb B. Did climbed C. Did climb


looked opened waited helped painted

lived watched asked walked closed

climbed played shouted cooked talked

showed picked liked fished washed





1).Yesterday I _______ to a small village by car.(go/went)

2).Last Sunday I _______ a lot of things at the market.(buy/bought)

3).I ______ very late this morning.(getup/got up)

4).Yesterday afternoon I ______ a letter to my friend.(write/wrote)

5).I ______ in Grade 2 last year.Now I ______ in Grade 3.(am/was)

6).Yesterday ______ my birthday.Today _______ Sam’s birthday.(is/was)

7).Yesterday evening I _____ homework. Now I am ______ homework again.(do/doing)


Eg: There is some bread on the table.

There isn’t any bread on the table.

1). There is some cheese in the burger.


2). There is some pasta in the bowl.


3). There are some boys in the classroom.


4). There is an apple on the desk.


5). There are many dogs in the zoo.



一、(1)some (2) played (3) Did (4) shopping (5) hungry

二、(1)on (2)in (3)in front of (5)behind

三、(1)can’t. (2)went (3)What time (4)watched (5)sleepy

四、 (1) bought (2)got up (3)did, eat, ate (4)was, am (5)went (6)comes

五、 (1). There is some bread in the fridge.

(2). Did you buy a doll yesterday?

(3). There is a Maths book on the table.

(4). What did you eat for supper yesterday?

(5). When did you go to bed last night?

六、(1).B (2).C (3).C (4).B (5).B (6).A (7).B (8).C (9).A (10).C

七、[t]: looked watched asked picked liked walked cooked

talked fished washed

[d]: opened lived showed closed climbed played showed

[id]: waited painted shouted

八、(1). went (2). bought (3). got to ( 4). wrote (5). was, am

(6). was, is (7). did, doing

九、(1). There isn’t any cheese in the burger.

(2). There isn’t any pasta in the bowl.

(3). There are not any boys in the classroom.

(4). There isn’t an apple on the desk.

(5). There are not many dogs in the zoo.

威廉希尔app 为大家整理的剑桥少儿英语2级上册测试:UNIT9-18就到这里,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。






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