



一、 Fill in the blanks填空完成单词

T__esday星期二 w__ndy刮风的 __nglish英语面包 s__me一些 br__ad

M__nday星期一 cl__udy多云的 Ch__nese汉语 w__ter水 __ny任何的

二、 Fill in the blanks把单词的适当形式写在下面相应的横线上

hotter,easier,hottest,easiest,buses,working,tries,came,women,running, has, took,boxes, having, washes, went, men, flying, goes, got


bus____ box______ man________ woman__________

(2) -ing形式

work_______ have_______ fly_____ run_______


try ______ wash ________ go___________ have__________


easy_______ hot________

三.、Read and match在相应的词语之间连线

(1) see films (A) cinema

(2) play (B) TV

(3) read books (C) library

(4) watch (D) football

(5) swim (E) hospital

(6) climb (F) bikes

(7) see a doctor (G) swimming pool

(8) ride (H) mountains

(9) learn English (I) school

(10) draw (J) pictures

四、Multiple choices选择填空

( ) 1. Where are you going? I’m ______ to the supermarket.

A. go B. going C. went

( ) 2. _________ the weather like today? It’s cloudy.

A. What’s B. Whose C. Where’s

( ) 3. Whose pet is this? I think it’s __________.

A. my B. me C. mine

( ) 4. Do you often play tennis? __________

A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I am.

( ) 5. Is she happy? No, she _______. She is sad.

A. is B. isn’t C. can’t

( ) 6. How many days ______ in a week? There are seven.

A. there are B. there is C. are there

( )7. The panda is strong. But the tiger is ______ than the panda.

A. strong B. stronger C. strongest

( ) 8. The sheep is big. The elephant is bigger. The hippo is the _______ of the three.

A. big B. bigger C. biggest

( ) 9. ______ is today? It’s Tuesday.

A. What B. What day C. Where

( ) 10. Can you swim in a pool? No, I _______.

A. can B. can’t C. don’t

( ) 11. Where are my books? They’re _______ your bag.

A. not B. between C. in

( ) 12. What does your father often do? He often ________ some English classes.

A. have B. has C. had

五、 Read and fill in the blanks. 读句子,选词填空

1. The blue whale is the ____________( big, bigger, biggest) animal in the world.

2. The whale shark is the biggest ___________ (animal, fish) in the world.

3. The Giraffe is the ____________ (tall, taller, tallest) land animal in the world.

4. The tiger is ____________ (stronger, strongest, taller) than the giraffe.

5. The rabbit is _____________(quick, quicker, quickest) than the panda.

6. The cat is ____________ (small, smaller, smallest, taller) than the dog.

7. Which is ____________(fat, fatter, fattest), the elephant or the monkey?

8. Who is ____________(old, older, the oldest), the son, the father or the grandfather?

9. Kate is ______________(old, older, the oldest) of the three.

10. The sheep is very ______________(big, bigger, biggest).

六、Unscramble the sentences连词成句

1. what weather is the like today ?


2. how many week days there are in a ?


3. she going is the supermarket to .


4.are there some children the park in .


5. what do mother your do every day ?


七、Make sentences 模仿例子写句子

Eg: Tom, Tim, Ted, fat

Tom is fat.

Tim is fatter.

Ted is the fattest of the three.

1. the cat, the dog, the panda, strong




2. volleyball, football, basketball, big




3. Kate, May, Jill, happy





一、Tuesday星期二 windy刮风的 English英语 bread面包 some一些

Monday 星期一 cloudy多云的 Chinese汉语 water水 any任何的


bus buses box boxes man men woman women

(2) -ing形式

work working have having fly flying run running


try tries wash washes go goes have has


easy easier easiest hot hotter hottest

三、(1)A (2)D (3)C (4)B (5)G (6)H (7)E (8)F

(9)I (10)J

四、(1)B (2)A (3)C (4)A (5)B (6)C (8)C (9)B

(10)B (11)C (12)B

五、(1)biggest (2)fish (3)tallest (4)stronger

(5)quicker (6)smaller (7)fatter (8)older

(9)the oldest (10)big

六、(1) What is the weather like today?

(2) How many days are there in a weeks?

(3) She is going to the supermarket.

(4) There are some children the park.

(5) What do your mother do every day ?

七、(1)The cat is strong.

The dog is stronger.

The panda is the strongest of the three.

(2)Volleyball is big.

Football is bigger.

Basketball is the biggest of the three.

(3)Kate is happy.

May is happier.

Jill is the happiest of the three.

本文就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的剑桥少儿英语二级笔试试题(1—9单元),希望能为大家的学习带来帮助,不断进步,取得优异的成绩。






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