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三一口语9级考官高频问题:Do you want to be a designer?( If you were a designer now, what would you design?)

Do you know anybody who plays computer game

do you think habbit will play a very important role in our future?

Do you think eating KFC or Mcdonald’s is a good habbit?

Do you think technology really change our life?

Can you predict how our life will be in 20 years time?

How do you think the negtive effect of high tech on us?

How about cloning ? some people disagree with it .what do you think?

Can we clone organs?

Do you think there are many juvenile crimes?

How do you think of human flash searching?

What do you comment on people stealing sth from people’s house?

If you commit crimes, do you think it was because of your genes?

Do you think parents commit crimes, so their children would commit crimes too?




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