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伦敦三一口语8级考官高频问题:(1). Do you usually get on well with your supervisor/ colleagues?

(2). What kind of people are more likely to be popular with colleagues?

(3). Some people say competition is not so fierce among teachers. Is it true?

(4). What kind of job is considered to be good profession? Decent jobs?

(5). Which qualities are important for a …?

(6). If you are going hire sb. for your school, what kind of people are you interested in? --- past experiences and achievement,

personal qualities, general intelligence?

(7). What would be good part-time jobs for college students? Why?

(8). Some say they don’t just work for money. What else can they get out of work?

(9). a sense of purpose and identity, a source of dignity, fulfillment

(10). Are there gender/age discriminations in the job market?

(11). What kind of work do those migrant workers usually do in the city?

(12). What would you be doing now if you hadn’t chosen to be a teacher?

(13). How long do you think you’ll keep on teaching?

(14). What makes a good teacher/doctor/company manager?

(15). What factors will influence or has influenced you in choosing a job?

(16). How are you planning your future career?

(17). What kind of person would you like to work with? And for?

(18). Do you still want to work if you are very rich? Why?

(19). what advice would you give to a college graduate if he is job hunting?

(20). what would you like to be doing in 10 years time?


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