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Ⅰ Topic: Pizza

三一口语九级考试真题:Where did you take these photos?

Why do you like pizza hut?

Where does pizza come from?

Is it good to eat western food?

Interactive task:

My sister wants to choose two subjects at university. Can you recommend the subject for me?


Crimes:death sentence

Ⅱ Topic: Pyramid

Why do you think pyramid reveal the extraordinary intelligence of the ancient Egyptian?

Do you think the Egyptian has the special customs?


Technology: Our country puts more money into the astronaut career. Do you think it is right?

Habit: Do you think the world will be better without the computer games?

Ⅲ Topic: Training class of primary school

Someone does not need to go to the training classes, but he is also successful now. Why?

Interactive task:

My nephew wants to be a football player, but his parents do not agree with that. What do you think of it?


National custom: When you visit other countries, do you know their different national custom?

Do you think national custom make some problems?


If you were the mayor of Beijing, how would you make the environment of Beijing better?

Ⅳ Topic: My meaningful experience

If I were here, which place should I visit first?

What does the building look like inside?

Interactive task:

I invited a friend to my house, but our friendship became worse after that.


Pollution: Which country′s environmental problem is the worst, the developed country or the developing country?




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