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【摘要】小升初考试的压力和竞争逐年加剧,很多重点初中院校不仅看重学生在小升初考试的排名,而且对小学生英语证书也有一定的要求。威廉希尔app 为大家提供三一口语11级必考话题,希望大家有所参考!

Moving to the United States

Name three states that touch Canada.

Name three states that touch Mexico.

Name three states that on the Atlantic Coast.

Name three states on the Pacific Coast.

Name one state that has hurricanes.

Name three states where it snows.

Name two states that have the Rocky Mountains.

Name two states that have the Appalachian Mountains.

Name a state that has the Cascade Mountains.

Name a state on the Gulf of Mexico.

What is the name of the mountain range in California?

Name two states that touch the Great Lakes.

What are some expectations you have about living in the US?

What is your worst fear about moving to the US.

Are you concerned that you might be discriminated against?

Why do you think discrimination exists?

Have you ever experienced discrimination on a personal level?

What are some expectations you have for your children moving to the US?

What do you think is the most serious problem for you in your move to the US?

What are some things you can do to make your move easier?

Do you think it would be easier if you were moving there permanently?

What states have you visited?

Which one did you like the best and why?

Which one do you want to visit next and why?

What is the capital of the United States?

What is the coldest state?

What is the warmest state?

What is the highest mountain range in the United States?




三一口语11级考试话题: 动机  

三一口语11级练习: 金钱与购物


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