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三一口语11级考试话题: 动机



【摘要】小学英语证书在一定程度上能够体现学生的英语水平,它需要小学生具备一定的听说能力。为了帮助大家轻松应对小学英语考证,威廉希尔app 精心为大家准备了三一口语11级考试话题,希望大家能够有所借鉴!

Have you ever tried to lose weight?

What motivated you to start a diet?

Is it important to motivate children?

How do you motivate children?

Can some people destroy your motivation?

What is something a boss can do to motivate his workers?

How are you best motivated?

How do you motivate your friends?

Have you ever tried to quit smoking?

How do you define motivation?

What are some of the factors of motivation?

What part does motivation plays in effective teaching?

What is the role of motivation for slow learners?

What are three things that motivate you?

Do you feel motivated when you are at school?

Do you feel motivated when learning something new?

How would you describe motivation?

Does motivation affect learning?

In what way can we help people to increase their motivation?

Why do you study English?

What is your proudest accomplishment so far this year?

What is the difference between internal and external motivation?

Do you find that motivated people are more successful than unmotivated people?

What do you do to keep your motivation?

Do you have an English goal?

Is your goal specific, measurable, with a deadline?

How do you maintain your motivation when you fail?

Do you share goals and plans with others so that they will help you maintain your motivation and drive?



三一口语11级练习: 金钱与购物




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