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【摘要】小学英语证书在一定程度上能够体现学生的英语水平,它需要小学生具备一定的听说能力。为了帮助大家轻松应对小学英语考证,威廉希尔app 精心为大家准备了三一口语10级话题,希望大家能够有所借鉴!

Mrs. Brown : (Carrying her baby in her arms) Excuse me, where is the department of paediatrics?

Information-Clerk : Go along that corridor and then you will see a sign, which will lead you to the department of paediatrics. It's on the second floor.

Mrs. Brown : Thank you. (She finds the sign, and follows the direction and finds the department of paediatrics.) Here we are, precious. Soon you will be okay.

Nurse : Have you registered yet?

Mrs. Brown : No, and this is my first time here.

Nurse : Any designated doctor?

Mrs. Brown : Yes, Dr. Hurt, Cliff Hurt.

Nurse : Here is your registration card. Dr. Hurt is at clinic No.3. You can sit over there and wait for your turn.

Dr. Hurt : Hello, little fellow. You're David Brown, right? ....Well, Mrs. Brown, what seems to be the problem?

Mrs. Brown : I've got the flu these days, and I think he's been infected by me. He started to cough last night. I took his temperature this morning. It was 39 degrees.

Dr. Hurt : Unbutton his clothes, please. (Doctor examines the baby with his stethoscope.) The back, please. ( Mrs. Brown turns baby's back to the doctor.) All right. Now open your mouth ....

Mr. Brown : Well, doctor?

Dr. Hurt : Not very serious. I'll write you a prescription. If you follow the directions, your child will soon be okay.



1. paediatrics n. 小儿科

2. stethoscope n. 听诊器

3. prescription n. 药方、处方







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