您当前所在位置:首页 > 小学 > 英语 > 三一口语 > 初级段(4-6级)





How many places have you ever been?

Which place is the most impressive one?

Have you ever been to some places out of Beijing?

Which kind of city do you prefer to visit, modern or historic?

What's your plan for traveling next time?

How often do you go shopping?

Do you usually go shopping with your mother or father?

What do you like to buy?

Do you prefer to buy something online or at department store?

Do you have red-envelope money in Spring Festival? How to spend your red-envelope money?

You are a primary school student. What do you think of fashion?

Should we go after fashion or not?

Can we wear earring at school?

If a student is not fashionable, other people don't like to make friends with him/her. What do you think of this fact?

Do you like saving money?

Some parents always give much money to their children. What's your opinion on the subject?

What do you think about the rules in your class?

Some primary school students hold mobile phone at school. What's your opinion on it?

Do you know some traffic reles? How to obey these rules?

What rules do you need to obey when you're in a car?

What do you think about the safety belt?

How can you keep fit according to your own experience?

What kinds of exercise do you think are the best for your health?

Would you like to exercise outdoor?






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