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三一口语4级话题范文: My favorite Season



【摘要】小升初考试的压力和竞争逐年加剧,很多重点初中院校不仅看重学生在小升初考试的排名,而且对小学生英语证书也有一定的要求。威廉希尔app 为大家提供三一口语4级话题范文,希望大家有所参考!

1. What is my favorite season?

Well, to be frank, I like spring best, because in spring, it's warm and sunny. It is not as cold as winter, and not as hot as summer. In spring, I can wear my pretty dress and attend a lot of outdoor activities. I like to fly a kite. I feel very happy and excited when I fly a kite. Flying a kite is very interesting and relaxing. It can make my life more colorful and more interesting. So l like spring very much. (Sir, what’s your favorite season?)

2. What are differences between spring and winter?

I think there are lots of differences between spring and winter. For example, in spring, it is very warm. You know, I can go out for travelling. And I can eat my favorite fruit strawberry. But in winter, it is so cold, and I cannot go to any places, and I must study at home or at school. I hate to do so much homework. So I like spring better.

3. What do I often do in spring?

Well, to tell you the truth. I often do lots of things in spring. I usually fly a kite in parks, I often climb mountains, and I often go to parks—Summer Palace, Beihai Park, and Yuanmingyuan Garden. But I like visiting parks best. I think visiting parks is very interesting. It is relaxing to my mind and body. Also, I can learn lots of knowledge and it can broaden my horizon. So spring is a good time to enjoy myself.

4. What am I going to do next spring?

Last spring, I went to Haidian Park. The park was very beautiful. Flowers and trees were around me. Also, I climbed the Baiwang Mountain with my parents. I think it was very interesting. Climbing can make me stronger and healthier. I had a wonderful time there. Next spring, I am going to travel in Dalian. You know, it is a very beautiful place. I think I will enjoy myself there. (Sir, where are you going next spring?)



三一口语五级自选话题范文:Spring Festival


三一口语五级话题: My Birthday Party


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