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三一口语四级作文:Favorite Shopping Center



聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。小编准备了三一口语四级作文:Favorite Shopping Center,希望能帮助到大家。

Describe a shop or shopping center. You should say:

-Where it is?

-What it sells?

-How often you go there, and why?

1. The High Mall shopping center is well known in the city of Shenyang.

If you have been here for some time, you have probably been there.

2.It is situated at 217 Long Street, opposite the public library.

When traveling from Government Square, you should take bus no. 242, and it will take you there.

3.It is what is called a "one-stop" shopping mall.

It means I am able to do most of my shopping in one center at the same time.

4.The High Mall contains a wide variety of shops and stores.

For example, there is a large department store that sells almost anything, a Mac Donald's outlet, a jeweler, and so on.

5.It has a good security system, so I always feel save there.

For instance there are many security officers on duty, looking out for robbers and so on.

6. Secondly, it is a nice place to kill some time in the evenings or on weekends.

One can spend hours browsing through the shops, or sit in a restaurant, have something to drink, and watch the crowds.

希望同学们能够认真阅读三一口语四级作文:Favorite Shopping Center,努力提高自己的学习成绩。





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