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要想在考试中取得好成绩就必须注重平时的练习与积累,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了中餐和西餐英文菜名大全,小朋友们一定要仔细阅读哦!

凉菜 cold dish

冷盘 cold dish

拼盘 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers

凉拼盘 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers

冷拼盘 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers

什锦小吃 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers

叉烧肉 roast pork fillet

白肉 plain boiled pork

酱肉 braised pork with soy sauce; spiced pork

酱猪肉 braised pork with soy sauce; spiced pork

酱肘子 braised pork shoulder with soy sauce; spiced pork shoulder

酱猪肘 braised pork leg with soy sauce; spiced pork leg

盐水肝 boiled liver with salt; salted liver

咸水肝 boiled liver with salt; salted liver

酱肚 braised pork tripe with soy sauce

红油肚丝 boiled shredded tripes with chilli/chili oil

凉拌肚丝 shredded tripes with soy sauce

拌肚丝 shredded tripes with soy sauce

凉拌腰片 boiled liver with salt; salted liver

拌腰片 boiled liver with salt; salted liver

炝腰花泡菜 boiled kidney with pickled vegetables

酱牛肉 braised beef with soy sauce; spiced beef

红油牛筋 boiled beef tendons with chilli/chili oil

盐水羊肉 boiled mutton with salt; salted mutton

咸水羊肉 boiled mutton with salt; salted mutton

凉拌鸡丝 shredded chicken with soy sauce

拌鸡丝 shredded chicken with soy sauce

白油鸡 steamed chicken

白切油鸡 sliced steamed chicken

白片鸡 sliced steamed chicken

中餐和西餐英文菜名大全就为大家整理到这,想要了解更多小学生辅导资料欢迎关注威廉希尔app 小学频道!





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