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小学是我们整个学业生涯的基础,所以小朋友们一定要培养良好的学习习惯,威廉希尔app 为同学们特别提供了英语unit7知识点,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!


1. January(Jan.)一月

2. February(Feb.)二月

3. March(Mar.)三月

4. April(Apr.)四月

5. May(May)五月

6. June(Jun.)六月

7. July(Jul.)七月

8. August(Aug.)八月

9. September(Sept.)九月

10. October(Oct.)十月

11. November(Nov.)十一月

12. December(Dec.)十二月

13. festival节日

14. or或者

15. call叫作,称作

16. together一起

17. dumplings饺子

18. place地方、地点

19. mountain山、山脉

20. songbird鸣禽

21. Halloween万圣节

22. knock敲(门)

23. know知道


1. Double Ninth Festival 重阳节

2. Dragon Boat Festival端午节

3. Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

4. Spring Festival春节

5. rice cake重阳糕

6. moon cake月饼

7. rice dumpling粽子

8. Chinese festivals中国的节日

9. in January or February在一月或二月

10. Chinese New Year 中国农历新年

11. at this festival 在这个节日

12. get together with their families和他们的家人团聚

13. dragon boat race赛龙舟

14. in some places在一些地方

15. look at the moon at night在夜晚赏月

16. a festival for old people老人们的一个节日

17. visit their parents and grandparents 拜访他们的父母和祖父母

18. climb mountains爬山

19. in spring在春天

20. sit in the tree 坐在树上

21. sing songs to me唱歌给我听

22. on the thirty first of October在10月31号

23. dress up装扮

24. knock on people’s doors敲人们的门

25. Mother’s Day 母亲节

26. a day for mothers 母亲们的一天

27. on Mother’s Day在母亲节

28. on the second Sunday of May在五月的第二个星期日

29. talk about the present for mum谈论给妈妈的礼物

30. give their mothers presents给他们的母亲礼物

31. That’s a good idea! 好主意!

32. Happy Mother’s Day! 母亲节快乐!

33. Father’s Day 父亲节


1. The Spring Festival is in January or February.春节在一月或二月。

2. People also call it Chinese New Year.人们也称作它为中国农历新年。

3. At this festival, people get together with their families. 在这个节日,人们和他们的家人团聚在一起。

4. There are dragon boat races in some places.在一些地方有赛龙舟的传统习惯。

5. People look at the moon at night with their families. 人们和家人一起夜晚赏月。

6. It is a festival for old people. 它是一个属于老人们的节日。

7. They knock on people’s doors and shout ‘      Trick or treat?’ for sweets.


8. What do people do on Mother’s Day? 人们在母亲节这一天都做些什么?

9. What should we give mum? 我们应该给妈妈什么呢?

四、语音:字母组合th在单词中的读音/θ/,如mouth, thank, thin, think, three, thirty, thirsty, birthday, Maths, mouth, thing, toothache


1. 月份的缩略形式(见上面单词表一栏)

2. The Spring Festival is in January or February.春节在一月或二月。



Is she in the school or at home? 她在学校还是在家?


The summer holiday is in July and August. 暑假在七月和八月。


Her new factories are in Beijing and Shanghai. 她的新厂在北京和上海。

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新译林小学五年级英语Unit 6知识点  



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