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five thousand years old 五千年   in a circle 围成一圈  on top of 在…顶部  find the answer 找到答案  I hope so 我希望如此   by car  乘小汽车        take three hours 花三小时  take a helicopter ride 搭乘直升飞机  from the sky 从空中       a big surprise 一个大意外   look small 看起来小      take photos 照相

What will we see there?  在那我们将会看到什么?   We’ll see lots of very big stones.我们会看到许多的大石头。

How will we get there?       我们怎样去那儿?      By car. It will take three hours.  坐小汽车去。它将要花掉三小时。

It was amazing. 它真令人惊叹。

考点:1. 一般将来时。

2. 一般过去时。


go to work 去上班   every morning/night 每天早上/晚上   be late 迟到 a quarter to seven=six forty-five 差一刻钟到七点=六点四十五分

My father goes to work at 8 o’clock every morning. He’s a policeman. 我爸爸每天早上八点去上班。他是一名警察。

My father goes to work at 6 o’clock every evening. He’s an actor. 我爸爸每天晚上六点去上班。他是一名演员。

I’ll be home at 7 o’clock. 我将在七点钟到家。



visit my cousin 拜访我的堂兄  in New York 在纽约  what about=how about 那…怎么样呢  make a kite 做风筝  be windy 有风的 of course 当然   a Chinese dragon 一条中国龙 thank you for your help 谢谢你的帮助   a piece of paper一张纸   cut the paper剪纸

Will you help me?       你会帮助我吗?               Yes. Of course.是的,当然会。

Will it be windy in New York?纽约会有刮风的天气吗? Yes, it will.是的,会的

Thank you for your help.      感谢您的帮助。           You are welcome.不用谢。

I’ll make a kite. 我将要做一个风筝。                    I made a kite.我做了一个风筝。

考点:1. 一般将来时。2. 一般过去时。


a children’s theatre 儿童剧院   be ready for/get ready for 准备好  tell jokes 讲笑话  another bed 另一张床 in English 用英语  be from来自  borrow a bike 借自行车   a book about Chinese history 一本中国历史书  ask questions 提问问题  my favourite subject 我最喜欢的学科

Last week, we went to a children’s theatre. 上周,我们去了一家儿童剧院。

The actors told lots of jokes. We laughed a lot. 演员们说了许多笑话。我们开怀大笑。

Mum bought new chopsticks for you. 妈妈买了新筷子给你。



go to the airport 去机场  take the plane=by plane 搭乘飞机  on the beach 在海滩上  make a friend 交朋友       have a picnic 野餐  climb the mountain 爬山  have a good time 玩得高兴   in July 在七月 in August 在八月

What did you put in your bag?       你在包里放了什么?

My clothes, my shoes, some presents, my ticket and my passport. 我的衣服,鞋,一些礼物,飞机票和护照。

Where will you go tomorrow? 你明天要去哪里? I’ll go to the airport. 我明天将要去机场。

I played on the beach. 我在海滩上玩。






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