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1) You should drink plenty of water.

2) You shouldn’t go to bed late.

3) You’d better stay in bed.

4) Don’t eat too much chocolate.

病人用语 1) What’s the matter?

2) I feel ill/bad.

3) Take the medicine three times a day.

4) I have a cold/headache/stomachache/toothache.


1)It’s time to get up.

2) I don’t want to be late for school.


1、注意一些合成词的构成 如:football chalkboard bedroom


head – headache tooth – toothache stomach – stomachache


We should get there before eight. We shouldn’t (should not) get there too late.

Should we get there before nine?

Unit 4

1、It’s time to…与 It’s time for…的区别:

It’s time for bed /class/school/breakfast/lunch/dinner.(time后加名词)

It’s time to go to bed/school/have breakfast/have lunch/have dinner. (time后加动词)

2、联系动词fell / look / get/ become等后可以加形容词,例如:

I feel tired / hot / cold / hungry. He looks tired / hungry / pale.

Unit 5

1、What’s the matter? / What’s the matter with you?

2、短语:give s.b. a checkup 给(某人)检查身体

plenty of 大量的 (可修饰可数或不可数名词)

There is plenty of water. There are plenty of eggs in the basket.

walk a lot 走很多路 eat a lot 吃很多东西 take the medicine three times a day 一天服药三次

take long 花很多时间 Never too much of good food. 好的东西也不能吃太多。

airsick 晕机 backache 背疼 earache 耳疼 hurt 伤;疼得

Module 3 Our School and Our Class


1)、能就“自己学校和班级” 的话题进行交谈。



1) His school is better than mine. 2) My new school is much larger than the old one.

3) Does the new school have more classroom than the old one? 4) She gets up earlier than us


1) You needn’t go to school by bus. 2) We mustn’t pick the flowers.

3) Would you like to visit our new school? Yes, I’d love to.

4) Welcome to our school. Thank you.


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