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威廉希尔app 小编今天为大家带来了五年级下册英语知识点归纳,希望对大家有所收获!

Unit 1 This is my day


When do you do morning exercises?     你几点钟做早操?

I usually eat breakfast at 7:00.         我通常七点钟吃早饭。

What do you do on the weekend?       你周末干什么?

I often visit my grandparents.          我常常去看望祖父母。

Sometimes I go hiking.            有时候我去远足。

do morning exercises    eat breakfast      get up

have English class      play sports      eat dinner

climb mountains     go shopping      go hiking

visit grandparents     play the piano

when     evening    noon     weekend     usually     often   sometimes

Unit 2 what’s your favourite season?


What’s your favourite season? =Which season do you like best?


My favourite season is summer.=I like summer best.


Why do you like winter?               你为什么喜欢冬天?

Because I can play with snow.          因为我可以在雪里玩。

What’s the weather like in spring?          春天的天气怎样?

It’s windy and warm.                有风的,很暖和。

Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.


Spring  summer  fall  winter  season  which  why  because  best  swim

sleep   fly kites  skate  plant trees  make a snowman

Unit 3 when is your birthday?


When is your birthday?     你的生日在什么时候?

My birthday is in May.        我的生日在五月。

Is your birthday in May, too?       你的生日也在五月吗?

No, my birthday is in April.        不,我的生日在四月。

How many birthdays are there in January?     一月里有多少个人过生日?

When is the National Day?            国庆节在什么时候?

It’s October 1st.         十月一日。

What’s the date?         几号?

January (Jan.)     February (Feb.)     March (Mar.)

April    May    June    July      August(Aug.)

September(Sept.)   October(Oct.)    November( Nov.)

December(Dec.)    birthday

Unit 4 what are you doing?


What are you doing?          你在干什么?

I’m doing the dishes.           我在洗碗碟。

Are you drawing pictures?       你在画画吗?

What’s your father doing?         你爸爸在干什么?

He is writing an e-mail.           他在写电子邮件。

Can I speak to Amy?          我能找Amy 吗?

Please hold on.            请稍等。

She’s doing homework in the study.           他正在书房做作业。

Draw pictures    cook dinner     read a book     answer the phone

listen to music    write a letter    clean the room     write an e-mail

Unit 5  look at the ms


Look at the tiger!    看老虎!

It’s jumping!    它在跳!

The rabbit is running.    兔子在跑。

What is it doing?      她在干什么?

It’s eating bananas.     它正在吃香蕉。

What are the elephants doing?        大象在干什么?

They are drinking.            它们在喝水。

Fly   jump   walk   run   swim   kangaroo

sleep   climb   fight   swing    drink water

Unit 6 a field trip


What’s Sarah doing?                  Sarah正在干什么?

She’s doing an experiment.              她正在做实验。

Are they catching butterflies? Yes, they are.     她们正在捉蝴蝶吗?是的。

Are you eating lunch? No, we aren’t.            你们正在吃中饭吗?不。

Is he taking pictures?                     他正在照相吗?

No, he isn’t. / yes, he is.                   不/是的。

Take pictures      watch insects      pick up leaves

Do an experiment     catch butterflies     play chess

count insects     collect leaves     write a report     have a picnic

1、       is Sarah? She is in the car.

2、The elephants often  ________ water with  ________ trunks .

3、_______ Zhang Peng and Mike playing chess in the room ?

4、the rabbit ______________(run) now.

5、The ms can ________(swing) in the tree..



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