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小学五年级英语知识点:what can you do?



小学五年级英语知识点:what can you do?

威廉希尔app 为大家整理了小学五年级英语知识点:what can you do?,希望助考生一臂之力。

What can you do?         你会干什么?

I can clean the bedroom.    我会打扫房间。

Can you cook the meals?     你会烧饭吗?

Yes, I can./ no, I can’t.       会/不会。

I’m helpful. Are you helpful at home?    我是有帮助的。你在家里会干活吗?

I’d like to have a try.            我想要试一试。

empty the trash  cook the meals  water the flowers  sweep the floor      wash the window  clean the bedroom     do housework    set the table  do the dishes  wash the clothes   make the bed

use a computer       put away the clothes

play chess

小学五年级英语知识点:what can you do?的相关内容就为大家介绍到这儿了,希望能帮助到大家。


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