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五年级期末英语知识点2014年由威廉希尔app 为您提供,供您参考。

表示过去发生的动作或事件, 常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last night, the day before yesterday, 3 days ago,

含有be动词的句子, 将动词变为过去式,am, is的过去式为was,are的过去式为were

I was at the butcher’s.

You were a student a year ago.

The teacher was very beautiful ten years ago.


Were you at the butcher’s?

Were you a student a year ago?

Was the teacher very beautiful ten years ago?


I was not at the butcher’s.

You were not a student a year ago.

The teacher was not very beautiful ten years ago.


Yes, I was. No, I was not.

Yes, you were. No, you were not.

Yes, he/she was. No, he/she was not.


What did you do?



I finished my homework yesterday.

The boy went to a restaurant.

The Sawyers lived at King Street a year ago.

★变疑问句在句首加did, 动词变为原型

Did you finish your homework yesterday?

Did the boy go to a restaurant?

Did the Sawyers live at King Street a year ago?

★变否定句在主语和动词之间加did not

I did not finish my homework yesterday.

The boy did not go to a restaurant.

The Sawyers did not live at King Street a year ago.


Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

Yes, they did. No, they did not.



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