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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了五年级英语下册单元同步练习题,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!


I. 按划线字母发音的清浊配对(连线即可):

1. trouble  2. sick  3. terrible  4.watch  5. visit  6. driver

7. donkey  8. backache  9. orange  10. problem  11. feel  12. zebra

II. 根据A句,在B句的空格里填入适当的词,使A、B两个句子意思相同或相近:

1. A. Tomorrow is Sunday. I’ll go for a new bike.

B. I’ll ________ a new bike ________ ________.

2. A. Daming’s caught a bad cold. He’ll ask for a leave to see a doctor.

B. Daming’s ________ a bad cold. He’ll see a doctor _____ ___.

3. A. He feels bad and he’ll visit a doctor this afternoon.

B. He’s ________ and he’s going to ________ this afternoon.

4. A. The man has got a stomachache. He’ll have three days’ leave.

B. The man will ask for a ________ ________ leave of ________.

5. A. May’s temperature is higher. She’ll go home for a rest.

B. May has a ________ ________. She’s  ________ home for a rest.

III. 在下面方格内填入所缺字母,使横行、竖行都能构成本期所学单词,并能填入相应句中:

1. I’ve got a ________.

2. I feel ________.

3. Have you taken his ________?

4. Let’s ________ her at home.

5. What’s the ________ with you?

6. She feels ________.


I. 按划线字母发音的清浊配对(连线即可):

1. trouble  2. sick  3. terrible  4.watch  5. visit  6. driver

7. donkey  8. backache  9. orange  10. problem  11. feel  12. zebra


II. 根据A句,在B句的空格里填入适当的词,使A、B两个句子意思相同或相近:

1. A. Tomorrow is Sunday. I’ll go for a new bike.

B. I’ll buy a new bike on Sunday.

2. A. Daming’s caught a bad cold. He’ll ask for a leave to see a doctor.

B. Daming’s got a bad cold. He’ll see a doctor on leave.

3. A. He feels bad and he’ll visit a doctor this afternoon.

B. He’s sick and he’s going to the hospital this afternoon.

4. A. The man has got a stomachache. He’ll have three days’ leave.

B. The man will ask for a three-days’ leave of stomachache.

5. A. May’s temperature is higher. She’ll go home for a rest.

B. May has a higher temperature. She’s going home for a rest.

III. 在下面方格内填入所缺字母,使横行、竖行都能构成本期所学单词,并能填入相应句中:

1. I’ve got a cold.

2. I feel sick.

3. Have you taken his temperature?

4. Let’s leave her at home.

5. What’s the trouble with you?

6. She feels hurt.

为大家整理的五年级英语下册单元同步练习题就到这里,更多小学生辅导相关内容请随时关注威廉希尔app 小学频道!



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