1. 读下列句子,在图1中标上序号。
A. Go to the bathroom.
B. Go to the bedroom.
C. Go to the living room.
D. Go to the study.
E. Go to the kitchen.
2.Read, tick or cross.(读文章,根据图1上的内容 判断对错)
A. My books are in the study.( )
B. My bedroom has six windows.( )
C. I‘m in the kitchen.( )
D. My brother is not in the bathroom.( )
E. My parents are not in our home now.( )
A. Where’s Father Christmas? He‘s in the ________________.
a. kitchen b. living room
B. My babybrother is in the study? ______________________________.
a. Yes, he is. b. No , he isn’t.
C. My _________ is in the bathroom.
a. puppy b. balloon
D. This is my mother, she is a ___________.
a. nurse b. fork
E. My father likes ___________.
a. reading books b. computer games
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