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【摘要】也许很多小学生在幼儿园就接触过双语教学模式,英语的重要性可想而知。或许英语已不再单单是一门学科,它已经成为必须掌握的一种语言。为此威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了英语五年级下册课后题,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!

一、 英汉互译。(10分)

1.点击 2.一个好主意

3.come quickly 4.at work

5.write your message 6.work hard

7.the same as 8. a Chinese dragon kite

9.在七点 10.take a present

二、 写出下列单词的相应形式。(5分)

1、go(第三人称单数) 2、from(对应词)

3、I’ve(完整形式) 4、Dad(名词所有格)


三、 选择填空。(40分)

1.We go to school Monday Friday.

A.from…to… B.from…on… C.from…for…

2.Let’s send some photos Daming.

A.at B.to C.in

3.You can your computer.

A.used B.uses C.use

4.Dad has got a postcard Tom.

A.of B.from C.in

5.Did Amy watch TV last night?

A.Yes,she did. B.Yes,I did. C.No,she does.

6.I will go home half past four.

A.in B.at C.on

7.Please click “Write”.

A.to B.on C.in

8. are you doing? I’m reading a book.

A.When B.Where C.What

9. he learn maths yesterday?

A.Did B.Does C.Was

10.I home tomorrow morning.

A.will B.will be C.be

11.He is at the office now.He at six o’clock.

A.go to the park B.will home C.will go to the cinema

12.Did you learn English your English book?

A./ B.at C.from

13.I busy now.

A.will B.am C.was

14.Write the word “English” the blackboard.

A.at B.with C.on

15.I’m going to go to America the summer.

A.in B.on C.to

16.What chopsticks?

A.about B.out C.on

17.What kind kite?

A.on B.of C.to

18.Why don’t you give a kite?

A.he B.him C.his

19.I want to take a present my cousin.

A.for B.of C.on

20.Is this apple the same that apple?

A.to B.with C.as060s.com


( )1.A.watch B.school C.chair

( )2.A.know B.now C.kite

( )3.A.nice B.clock C.cake

( )4.A.hear B.learn C.ear

四、 阅读理解,判断正T误F。(20分)

1. Here’s a message from Mary.She went to hospital yesterday.She had a cold.But she is better now.This morning she went to Lucy’s office.She met Lucy and Tom there.She is very busy now.She will be back at seven o’clock.She will have dinner with us.I will make Chinese food for her.She likes Chinese food very much.

( )Mary went to school yesterday.

( )Mary had a cold.

( )Mary went to Tom’s office.

( )Mary likes English food very much.

2. There are four people in my family:my grandma,my father,my mother and I.My father is a doctor.He works hard.My mother is a maths teacher.She teaches maths very well.Her students all like her.My grandma doesn’t work.She is old.Sometimes she helps my mother do the homework.I am a primary school pupil.I study hard.I think I live a happy life.

( )There are three people in my family.

( )My mother is a teacher.

( )My grandma doesn’t do the homework.

( )My grandma is young.

( )My father works in a hospital(医院).He is a doctor.

五、 连词成句。(10分)

1.think I don’t so

2.about a how T-shirt

3.thank you email for your

4.I home be will seven at

5.goes one to it from computer another


1.Is Line A the same as Line B? A.Yes,I do.

2.Can you see tow heads? B.That’s a good idea.

3.Do you agree? C.I’m twelve.

4.What about chopsticks? D.Yes,I can.

5.How old are you? E.Yes, it is.






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