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【摘要】我记得很多英语老师都说过:“英语的学习是没有捷径的,只有多看、多写、多听和多练才能提高”。威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了英语五年级下册同步习题,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!

一、 听音,排序。(6分)

( )We ate Chinese food in a restaurant in the evening.

( )There were many chileren playing in the park.

( )We went to a children’s theatre in the afternoon.

( )I had a very nice day yesterday.

( )In the morning ,my parents took me to a park.

二、 听音,选词,补全短文。(14分)

made swam were took night went could

Jim and his sister on holiday to the seaside(海边) with their paremts.They stayed in a hotel(旅馆) near the sea. They hear the sound at .They many pictures.They very happy and enjoyed their holiday.Jim and his sister in the sea every day.His sister a big sandcastle(沙堡)。



( )1.A.thank B.with C.theatre

( )2.A.quick B.guess C.quarter

( )3.A.write B.white C.with

( )4.A.watch B.wash C.shoe

( )5.A.laugh B.right C.high

四、 翻译词组。(8分)

1. 去儿童剧院 2.演出后

3讲许多笑话 4上个星期天

5中国历史 6问你一些问题

7带来中国歌曲的光盘 8去机场

五、 选择填空。(24分)

( )1.--- are you from,Mike? ---I’m from America.

A.What B.Where C.When

( )2.My sister watched TV and some sweets.

A.eat B.has C.had

( )3.Are you read your trip to Beijing?

A.for B.in C.of

( )4.Big Ben is in .

A.America B.England C.China

( )5.We can listen CDs in the evening.

A.at B.to C.from

( )6.Yesterday Amy to the Summer Palace.

A.went B.go C.goes

( )7.--- is going to take? ----Some apples.

A,When B.How C.What

( )8.I’ve got a letter a friend.

A.from B.to C.about

( )9.Her parents do some shopping next weekend.

A.are B.are going to C.are going

( )10.Mum an English book for Dad yesterday.060s.com

A.buys B.bought C.buy

( )11.---When are you going to play table tennis? ---

A.Tomorrow morning. B.yesterday morning. C.At school.

( )12.He didn’t a computer ten years ago.

A.had B.have C.has


1.Please (列一张要买的东西的清单)in New York.

2.We (开怀大笑)yesterday.

3. (演出后) we went to a restaurant.

4.Are you (为…做好准备)your trip next week?

5.Grandma (做了中国饭)for me yesterday.


( )1.How are you ? A.No,I haven’t.

( )2.Are you going to swim tomorrow? B.Yes,she did.

( )3.When did Jim go on holiday? C.By bus.

( )4.Did she learn English? D.I’m fine.Thank you.

( )5.What did you eat last night? E.Yes, he is.

( )6.Have you got a new bike? F.Chips abd sausages.

( )7.How does he go to work? G.No,I’m not.

( )8.Is your brother tall? H.Last summer






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