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【摘要】也许很多小学生在幼儿园就接触过双语教学模式,英语的重要性可想而知。或许英语已不再单单是一门学科,它已经成为必须掌握的一种语言。为此威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了五年级英语下册课后题,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!

  一、 找出不同类的单词,写在题前的括号中。

  ( )1.A.breakfast B.lunch C.sandwiches

  ( )2.A.rice B.noodles C.hamburger

  ( ) 3.A.read B.had C.puts

  ( ) 4.A.England B.China C.Hainan

  ( ) 5.A.beer B.wine C.yoghurt

  二、 单项选择。

  ( ) 1.Let’s ______on the bus.

  A.get B.got C.gets

  ( ) 2.Mum ______ a new bike for me last week.

  A.buy B.bought C.buyed

  ( ) 3.---Was your father a driver? ---___________________

  A. Yes, he was B.Yes, he wasn’t C.No,he doesn’t

  ( ) 4.We give our CDs _____Sam because he _______them.

  A.to,liked B.at,likes C.to,likes

  ( ) 5.---______is your brother? ---He is a doctor.

  A.Who B.What C.Where

  ( ) 6.She is _____English teacher.She is reading _____book.

  A.a,an B.an,a C.a ,a

  ( ) 7.---Happy birthday to you! ---_________________________!

  A. The same to you. B.Thank you. C.You’re welcome.

  ( ) 8.---Where did he go? ---___________________________.

  A. He went to Jinan. B.She went toJinan C.He goes to Jinan.

  ( ) 9.Why don’t you _______a beautiful dress?

  A.wears B.wear C.wore

  ( ) 10.---_______ are the oranges? ---Ten yuan.

  A.How many B.How much C.What


  1.Which do you like? A.Because it’s interesting.

  2.Where is Dalian? B.I went to Sichuan.

  3.Did you go to Hainan? C.He worked in a shop.

  4.Why does he like basketball? D.I like bananas.

  5.Where did you go in China? E.It’s in the north of China.

  6.When did you go there? F.Yes,I did.

  7.What did he do many years ago? G.I went in spring.

  8.Who are they? H.Yes,we do.

  9.How will they go there? I.They are my teachers.

  10.Do you play football at school? J.They will go there by bus.


  1.Daming ___________(have got) some pictures.

  2.Can you ___________(help) me do my homework?

  3._________ you _________ (visit) the Great Wall last week?

  4.I ____________ (meet) you in China tomorrow






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