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【摘要】如何激发英语学习的兴趣、如何提高英语考试的成绩呢?威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了五年级下册英语练习题,希望大家在学习的过程体会到英语带给自己的快乐!

  I. 选出每组中。(10分)

  ( )1. A parent B. grandparent C. week

  ( )2. A week B.stay C.year

  ( )3. A. horse B. kite C.dragon

  ( )4. A. photo B.picture C. climb

  ( )5. A ride B. holiday C. stay

  II. 选择正确答案。(12分)

  ( )1、Lingling ____got some photos . A has B have C is

  ( )2、It’s ____the west of China . A on B in C:for

  ( )3、Did you _____ with your mother and father . A go B went C: going

  ( )4、I met them ___June . A in B on C be

  ( )5、Last year She ____ a lovely time there . A. have B has C had

  ( )6、Where did you go for your holiday ? I ___to Yinchuan. A go B went C going III.判断下列句子和图片是 (T)否 (F)相符。(10分)

  ( )1.Lingling has got some photos .

  ( )2.He lives there with his three children .

  ( )3.She rode a horse .

  ( )4.She visited the Tianchi Lake .

  ( )5.Why don’t you give him a kite ?


  ( )1、他们是中国的照片。

  A:They are photo of Chinese. B: They are photos of China.

  ( )2、我是去年去的那里。

  A:I went there last year . B: We went there last week .060s.com

  ( )3、我的堂兄每年参观北京。

  A: My cousins visit Beijing every year . B: My cousins visit Beijing every months .

  ( )4、玲玲和她的父母亲去了新疆。

  A: Lingling went to Xinjiang with his parents .B: Lingling went to Xinjiang with her parents . ( )5、在七月我们和我的祖母待了一周。

  A: We stayed with my grandmother for a week in July.

  B: We stayed with my grandfather in a week in July .

  ( )6、昨天她骑了马。

  A:Yesterday she rode a horse . B: Yesterday she ride a horse .


  see west really lovely beautiful

  1.It was _______. 2. The mountains are _______ beautiful

  3. It’s in the ____of China. 4.Can I ____them ?

  5. She had a ____time there .


  Amy: Hi Tom .________________?

  Tom : Hello ,I’m fine ,thank you .

  Amy: _________________________?

  Tom : We went to Yinchuan.

  Amy: ____________?

  Tom : It’s in the west of China.

  Amy :____________________?

  Tom : We went there in July .

  Amy :____________________?

  Tom : Yes ,I did .

  A Did you go with your mother and father ?

  B Where did you go for your holiday ?

  C Where is Yinchuan. D :When did you go there ?

  E ; How are you ?

  VII. 阅读短文,判断正误(20分)

  LiYing likes English very much .She works hard (努力学习),She reads English every morning .She likes speaking English .She often listens to the radio. She watches TV only on Saturday evening .Does she like dancing ?No,she doesn’t .But she likes drawing and singing .Her parents likes her .And all the teachers and her friends like her ,too.

  ( )1. LiYing likes English

  ( )2. She watches TV every evening .

  ( )3. She reads Chinese every morning .

  ( )4. All the teachers like her .

  ( )5. LiYing is good at dancing -

  参考答案: 1、CBBCB 2、ABAACB 3、TFTTF 4、BAABAA 5、beautiful,really, west, see, lovely 6、EBCDA 7、TFFTF






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