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英语五上习题:What is your favourite food(2)



古话说得好“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,只有积累了一定的经验,才可能提炼出思维的规律,威廉希尔app 编辑了英语五上习题:What is your favourite food(2),欢迎阅读!

姓名 班级


( )1. A. mutton B. potato C. pork

( )2. A. green beans B. fish C. cabbage

( )3. A. eggplant B. tomato C. tofu

( )4. A. sour B. healthy C. sweet


1. What’s your ______________ food?

2. What would you like ______________ lunch?

3. We have noodles ______________ Thursdays.

4. That sounds ______________

5. I ______________ grapes. They’re sour and______________(甜的)


( )1. healthy sea peach clean

( )2. now how window town

( )3. flag flat free fly

( )4. cloud city clean closet


Amy is hungry. She’d like fish and tomatoes for dinner. But there is no fish in the ice-box. There is pork and tofu. So Amy eats pork and tomatoes. After dinner she eat ice-cream. The ice-cream is her favourite food.

1. Who is hungry? _______________________________________

2. What is Amy’s favourite food? _______________________________________

3. When does she eat ice-cream? _______________________________________

4. What does she eat for dinner? _______________________________________

5. Does she eat tofu for dinner? _______________________

本文由威廉希尔app 为大家提供,小编真诚地希望大家可以轻轻松松的学习,度过一段幸福快乐的时光!


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