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五上英语Do you have any glue练习题



学好英语就需要平时的积累。知识积累越多,掌握越熟练,威廉希尔app 编辑了五上英语Do you have any glue练习题,欢迎参考!

I. Listen and match:

Tony Jenny Mr. and Mrs. Green Lisa Ben Gogo

staples tape envelopes paper scissors glue

II. Answer the questions:

1. Does Jenny have any paper clips?


2. Do Mr. and Mrs. Green have any glue?


3. Does Tony have any tape?


4 . Does Lisa have any stamps?


5 . Does Gogo have any envelopes?


6 . Does Ben have any scissors?


I. Listen and match:

Tony Jenny Mr. and Mrs. Green Lisa Ben Gogo

staples tape envelopes paper scissors glue

II. Answer the questions:

1. Does Jenny have any paper clips?


2. Do Mr. and Mrs. Green have any glue?


3. Does Tony have any tape?


4 . Does Lisa have any stamps?________________________________________

5 . Does Gogo have any envelopes?


6 . Does Ben have any scissors?


Let’s make a story:

They want to ____________________.

Mr. and Mrs. Green have some ______________.Tony ________

_____________. _______________________. ________________

_________________. ____________________________________.

______ don’t/ doesn’t have any __________. ________________


They can/ can’t ___________________.

Let’s make a story:

They want to ____________________.

Mr. and Mrs. Green have some ______________.Tony ________

_____________. _______________________. ________________

_________________. ____________________________________.

______ don’t/ doesn’t have any __________. ________________


They can/ can’t ___________________.

以上就是五上英语Do you have any glue练习题,同学们,让我们快乐学习,不断积累,努力学习,提高成绩,奋力前行吧!







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