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三、 听录音,根据你所听到的问题,选出它的最佳回答。

( )1. A. He was in hospital. B. She was in hospital.

( )2. A. It was snowy and cold. B. It is rainy and warm.

( )3. A. She read some books. B. She went to France. .

( )4. A. He sang songs. B. We went home .

( )5. A. I went to the park. B. I was in my room.

( )6.A.A typhoon comes. B. Many windows broke.

( )7.A.She’s going to get a haircut. B. They are going to get a haircut..

( )8. A. Sure. I’ll do it later.

B. I have a headache.

四、 听对话,回答问题。

( )1. What do they need?

A. tofu B. sugar and meat C. sugar and salt.

( )2. When’s Peter’s birthday?

A. October 2nd B. June 1st C. February 24th

( )3. What did you do last night?

A. cooked dinner B. helped my mom C. planted trees

( )4. What was the weather like last night?

A. rainy B. cool C. cloudy

( )5. What was the date yesterday?

A. January 1st B. January 22nd C. January 21st


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