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( ) 1. Whose watch is this?

( ) 2. When will the concert start?

( ) 3. Can you and Mom come?

( ) 4.Where is the bank?

( ) 5. Which row are we in?


A. Row D.

B. It will start at six o’clock.

C.. It’s next to the post office.

D. Yes, we can

E. It’s hers.

十、根据提供的情景,选择正确的英语表达。 (10分)

( ) 1. 今天是个好天气,你应该说:

A. It’s a rainy day today.

B. It’s a fine day today.

( ) 2. 当你想知道Ann 和 Ken谁重时,会问:

A. Who is the heaviest?

B. Who is the heavier, Ann or Ken?

( ) 3. 当你想知道这个足球是谁的时,会问:

A. Whose football is this?

B. Where is the football?

( ) 4. 当你想告诉你的朋友,你们学校要举办一场音乐会时,会说:

A. Our school will have a concert on Children’s Day.

B. Our school will have a football game on Children’s Day.

( ) 5. 当你想告诉别人这个照相机是Peter的时候,会说:

A. This camera is hers.

B. This camera is his.


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