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(   )1. I can throw the basketball ____ the net.

A. in       B. on         C. at        D. of

(   )2. Everyone in the living room _____ quiet.

A. am      B. is           C. are      D. of

(   )3. Is that cold_____ hot?

A. in        B. on         C. or       D. with

(   )4. Can you teach me _____ basketball.

A. to play    B. play        C. plays     D. playing

(   )5. ______ is exercise.

A. Running      B. Run      C. Runs    D. To run

(   )6. ___ do you eat supper? Twice a week.

A. How long     B. How far      C. How often     D. How old

(   )7. It is not my pen. It is ______.

A. your         B. yours         C. my           D. mine

(   )8. Do you have____balls?

A. some        B. any           C. a             D. an

(   )9. ______ exercise do you need?

A. How many   B. How much     C. How far       D. How often

(   )10. I want to play _____ ping-pong?

A. a             B. an           C. the           D. /

(   )11. This is me with my umbrella. I am ______.

A. dry           B. wet          C. hot           D. cool

(   )12. I must do _____ homework now.

A. I             B. me           C. us            D. my

(   )13. Jenny usually ______ a sandwich for lunch.

A. eat           B. eats           C. eating          D. ate

(   )14. I like play ______ piano at home.

A. a            B. an             C. the             D. /

(   )15. The healthy skin is ______ skin.

A. clean        B. dirty            C. green           D. yellow

(   )16. It is _____ in the refrigerator.

A. cold         B. hot             C. cool             D. warm

(   )17. My mum is _____.

A. cook             B. cooks       C. cooking       D. make

(   )18. I take a bath in the _______.

A. bathroom             B. kitchen      C. living room    D. bedroom

(   )19. Breakfast is good ______ you.

A. for                  B. with        C. in            D. of

(   )20. ______ minutes make an hour.

A. Twenty                B. Forty     C. Sixty         D. Eighty


1. I brush my ______ (teeth, tooth) everyday.

2. We _______ (buy, bought) a basketball yesterday.

3. I am ________ (wash, washing) the dishes now.

4. Jenny usually_______ (helps, help) her mother.

5. The _______ (health, healthy) skin is clean skin.


John is a famous basketball player. He is strong and healthy. He eats lots of healthy food everyday.

For breakfast, he eats eggs, bananas and porridge. He likes meat, cabbage and hamburgers for lunch. And for supper, he has chicken, tomatoes and peas. After supper, he has ice cream for dessert(甜点).

(    ) 1. John is a famous football player.

(    ) 2. John is weak.

(    ) 3. John doesn’t like fruits for breakfast.

(    ) 4. Before supper, John has some dessert.

(    )5. Eggs, meat, vegetables and fruit are all good food.

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