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1. The boy with a football’s Tom’s brother .(否定句)

The boy with a football                      .

2. Can the uncle in the car play rugby well ?(肯定句)

The uncle                             play rugby well .

3. There is a bag of bread in the basket .(复数)

There        some        of        in the basket .

4. Tom can do it like this .(祈使句)

it like this .

5. Please buy a toy for Lily .(否定句)

buy a toy for Lily .

6. There are some boys and girls in the room .(否定句)

There               boys        girls in the room .

7. herself , go , let , the , school , to , girl(组句)

Let               go to school        .

8. Are these ducks or geese ?(回答)

geese .

9. What’s wrong with your bike ?(同义句)

What’s               with your bike ?(同义句)

10. Miss Wang is a kind woman .(感叹句)

kind woman Miss Wang is !

11. There is one blue rubber in my pencil-box .(画线部分提问)

How        blue               there in your pencil-box ?

12. I can see two markers under the desk .(画线部分提问)

can you        under the desk ?


John is a bookseller . He doesn’t like paying for anything . One day he leaves a box of books on his foot . “ Go to the doctor .” says his wife . “ No ,” he says , “ I’ll wait till the doctor comes into the shop next time . Then I’ll ask him about my foot . If I go to see him , I’ll have to pay for him . ”

The next day the doctor comes into the shop and buys some books . When John is getting them ready , he tells the doctor about his foot . The doctor looks at it , “ Yes , ” says the doctor , “ You must put the foot in hot water every night . ” “ Thank you , ” says the bookseller , “ And now sir , here are your books . ” “ How much ? ” says the doctor , “ Two pounds , ” answers John . “ Good , ” says the doctor , “ I shall not have to pay you anything . ” “ Why ? ” asks John in surprise , “ I tell you about your foot . I want two pounds for that . Goodbye . ”


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