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三、 争当小翻译家(20分)

1、 我不喜欢吃面条 I ____ _____ noodles.

2、 我可以喝杯茶吗?_____ I ______ a cup of tea ?

3、 他不喜欢大声交谈 He _____ like _____ talking

4、 她在那儿 _______ she is

5、 他正和他的朋友们打扑克

He is ____ ____ ____ his friends

6、 我可以玩一下那只小猴吗?

____ I _____ ______ the little monkey?

7、 我的父亲在火车上 My father is ____the _____

8、 我身后的那位女士在唱歌

The woman _______ _____ is _______

9、 你看见那只山羊了吗?____ you see the ______?

10、 “谁在哭”我问 “______ is crying ”? I ____

11、 请别唱了,你的声音太大了

Please _____ sing . you are _____ ______

12、 他正在往窗外看

He is _____ _____ ______the window .

13、 我想要两瓶汽水

I would like two _____ of pop.

14、 她很安静,正在看书

Shi is very ____, shi is ______ a book .

15、 请安静,妈妈在睡觉

16、 please____ ___.mum is ______

四、 看谁选的快(24)

( )1.I see two ____ of milk

A . bottle B. Bottles C. a bottle

( )2. danny is looking ___of the window

A. for B. at C out

( ) 3. The ___ is the baby’s mother

A. man B woman C girl

( ) 4. Look,Ourteacher is ____a book

A. seeing B. reading C. looking

( ) 5. _____is the man ?He is my father

A. who B. what C . where

( ) 6. Lanzhou is far___ Beijing

A. to B. from C. in

( ) 7. Danny,please ______sing

A. not B. don’t C no

( ) 8. I like meat .Danny likes meat,____

A. too B. and C. to

( ) 9.What would you like to eat ?_____

A. orange juice B. some soup C.some vegetable

( ) 10.The soup is too hot ____

A. to eat B. to drink C. to buy

( ) 11.Danny is hungry ,he wants a ___

A. milk B. dumpling C snack

( ) 12. May I piay ____ the little dog?

with B for C in

五、 连词成句(16分)

at school pointing is Jenny the

does your go work to father how

3. a I green see tall tree

4.go school they every by day to bus

5. want I to Australia leave

6.the is too drink tea hot to

7. would to what you like drink

8. is a nice that picture

9.likes to piay he football

10.I some apples have may

11.am I hungry not

12. father is LiMing’s the man

13. is to talking he you behind woman the

14 . teacher is my the on train

is hungry who

baby is crying the

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