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(   )8、-- ____ did you go to Beijing?

--  I went there in August last year.

A、Who     B、How     C 、When    D、Where

(    ) 9.The monkey ate food with chopsticks.It looks ___.

A.  tired   B . long   C . funny  D.  light

(    )10、The blue shirt is _____ than the red one.

A、big     B、bigger   C、nice    D、light

(   )11、There ____ lots of cars and people in Beijing.

A、be     B、is   C、was   D、are

(   )12、-- ____are you going to take?

--  Books and clothes.

A、What     B、When    C、Why    D、How

(   )13、Everyone ____ English in New York.

A、speaking   B、spoken   C 、speak   D、speaks

(   )14、He ____to a Chinese restaurant yesterday evening.

A、go      B、went      C 、goes     D、going

(   )15、________ are traditional Chinese food.

A.chips    B、Dumplings  C 、Hamburgers   D、eggs


A、making   B、worked    C、wrote  D、played   E、has

1、--Tom, what are you doing?

-- I am ____ a cake.

2、Lucy always ___ eggs and sausage for her breakfast.

3、--What did you do yesterday?

-- I ____ a letter to my father.

4、Mr Wang ___ very hard when he was our Chinese teacher.

5、-- Did you see a movie yesterday?

--No, I ____ cards with my Dad.


Sam; Hi,Daming._________________________?

Daming:I’m fine. Thank you. I want to take a present for my cousin.________________________________?


Daming: He’s got chopsticks.


Daming: That’s a good idea. But what kind of kite?


Daming: I agree. Thank you.

A .What do you suggest?

B. How about a dragon kite?

C .Why don’t you give him a kite?

D. What about chopsticks?

E. How are you?


Ⅰ栏                               Ⅱ栏

( )1、Have you got a letter from England?     A、Swim in the sea.

( )2、Did you eat hamburgers yesterday?      B、Yes, it is.

( )3、 What are you going to do there?       C、At seven o’clock.

( )4、Is there a letter for you?            D、She’s doing her homework.

( )5、What did Amy buy yesterday?     E、He went to a children’s theatre.

( )6、 When are you going to go there?    F、Yes, I have.

( )7、 Did the boy go swimming?      G、No, there isn’t.

( )8、 Is the letter from England?         H、No, we didn’t.

( )9、What did he do last night?          I、She bought a book.

( )10、What’s Lingling doing?           J、Yes, he did.


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