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六 英汉短语搭配,选择合适的一项填入括号内。(10分)

(  ) 1.be quiet      a. 玩耍       (  )6.在下午   f. fly a kite

(  ) 2.look out      b. 玩牌       (  )7.散步     g.arrive in

(  )3.play cards    c. 安静       (  )8.放风筝   h.in the afternoon

(  )4.have fun     d. 向外看     (  )9.照相     i.go for a walk

(  )5.play with     e. 玩得开心   (  )10到达    j. take a picture

七 选词填空。(10分)

1. _______happened?

Who  What  When

How many  How much

2. ______students are there in youre school?

3.________is hungry?

4.________is your pencil—case?

5._______will your brother come here?

八 连词成句。(10分)

1.    like   tea   would   some   you


2.    is    sleeping    baby    the     now


3.   this    is    who


4.   scared     feels     everyone


5.   do    what     you     see


九 阅读短文,选择正确答案。(15分)

Today is Sunday. Jenny and Li Ming go shopping. Li Ming will go back China  next week. So he wants to buy some gifts for his family. Li Ming shops quickly. He buys some tea for his father, a coat for his mother,a scarf for his sister. What does Jenny buy? Oh, she shops slowly. She just buys some postcards.

(   )1.What do Li Ming and Jenny do ?

A. go swimming   B go shopping  C go home

(   )2. What does Jenny buy?

A some postcards   B a scarf   C a coat

(   )3.What does LiMing buy for his sister?

A a postcard     B some tea   C a scarf

(   )4.What day is it today?

A.Sunday       B. Saturday   C.Monday

(   )5.Does Li Ming shop quickly?

A.I don’t know.    B.Yes, he does.   C.No, he doesn’t.






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