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(   )7、A boy         Tom fell off the bike yesterday.

A. call         B. calls          C. called

(   )8、I           a dragon on a piece of paper yesterday.

A.draw        B. drew      C.  drawing

(   )9、Your T-shirt is blue. ¬¬¬______ is pink.

A. I           B. My         C. Mine

(   )10、It’s raining. We ¬¬¬_______ fly a kite outside.  We ¬¬¬______ stay at home.

A. will…won’t    B. won’t …will    C. will…will

(   )11、I have got a white rabbit and it’s _______ very long ears.

A. get       B. got        C. gets

(   )12、________  _______ my parents.

A.  This is       B.  That is       C.  These are

(   )13、A bird _______ swim, but it _______ fly very high.

A. can’t , can       B. can , can’t       C. can’t , can’t

(   )14、He _________ a hamburger yesterday.

A. will eat         B. eating          C. ate

(   )15、There are fifteen _________ in the room.

A. woman         B. women          C. man

Ⅶ. 请根据所给语境写出单词的正确形式,将句意补充完整。

1、She worked in an __________(办公室).

2、Chinese people ____________(建造) the Great Wall.

3、My bag is ___________(棕色的). I carry it on my __________(背部).

4、If you are ______(很好), the sun will always shine. I _____ (希望) you will be happy.

5、Dad read some books about Chinese _____________(历史) .

6、A: I will make a paper plane . Will you help me ?    B: ____  ________ (当然).

7、Our teacher is very_________ (繁忙的) every day.

Ⅷ. 连词成句。

1、dinner/ she/ for/ fish/ had ( .)

2、borrow/ can / books / you (.)

3、got/ Snow White/ you / book / have ( ?)

4、amazing / was / it ( .)

5、played / on/ I / beach /the ( .)

Ⅸ. 请为所给问句选择正确的答语,将序号填入括号内。

(   )1、What did he send to you?               A. She has eggs and bread.

(   )2、What does she have for breakfast?        B. He sent a postcard to me.

(   )3、Has she got a car?                     C. We’re making a kite.

(   )4、What will you do on Sunday?            D. No, she hasn’t.


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