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1.那只猪正在跳  The _______  is________.

2. 我妹妹正在画画     My sister is  ________  ________.


The two lions are not  __________. They’re __________

4.John的母亲正在接电话  。

John’s mother______    ______    ______  ________.

5. 兔子不能飞,但它们能够跑 步

Rabbits ______ _______, but they_______ ______.


Let’s_______ ________ next Sunday.


Sometimes I _______  my  _________ on the weekend.


I like winter, because I can _______ a _________.

9. 一年有四季     There ______ four ________ in a year.


We usually______  morning  ________ at 8:30.


A .play sports       B. Because       C.writing

D.swimming     E.climbing,

1 .  I like summer .__________I can swim in the lake .

2 .  He is __________an e-mail in the study .

3 .  I often ___________ .            4. She is _________.

5 .  What are they doing ? They are __________trees .


It’s 8:00  in the evening . Amy’s family are all at home. Look, Amy is doing homework in her bedroom.   Her father is reading a book. Her mother is doing the dishes in the kitchen . Her bother Jim is writing an e—mail in the study.  Her sister Lucy listening to in the living room.

(    ) 1. There are _________people   in   Amy’s family.

A.three    B.four    C .five

(    ) 2. Amy is in ___________.

A. her bedroom     B.the  study   C .the living room

(    ) 3. Amy’s mother is __________

A.reading a book   B.doing the dishes

C .listening to music

(    ) 4. _________is writing an   e—mail

A.Kate’s brother    B.Amy’s sister C .Amy’s father

(    ) 5. Jim has two_______。  A.brothers     B.sisters    C .father


一. 听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组。每题读两次。(10分)

1. B. summer      2.  B. May         3.  C. eat dinner

4.  A. 7:30

5.  A. drinking         6.   C. make a snowman   7.  C. good

8.  A. go hiking    9.  A. go to bed    10.  A. first


1、The boy is swimming。   2、Zoom and Zip are sleeping

3、He is answering the phone。     4.They are doing the homework。

5、The pandas are swimming and eating bamboos。

6、The mother monkey is jumping。

7、They are having  a  class.

8、she likes skating in winter。

9、Mike is answering the phone。He is busy。

10、We often go to the park on the weekend.


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