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这篇关于暑假大串联新编五年级英语下册暑假作业题,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!


1. I’m very__________.       a. tired       b. bored        c. scared

2. I usually go swimming at the ________.  a. pool     b. school    c. farmer

3. Dongdong is ________to help me.      a. go       b. going     c. went

4. Here is your ___________.           a. shirt     b. ticket     c, boarding pass

5. Excuse me. Is there a ______near here?   a. gift shop   b. library    c. zoo


1.  a. Four Cokes, please.          b. Five apple pies.

2.  a. I want to be an engineer.      b. I want to design spaceships.

3.  a. My uncle is a farmer.         b. My aunt is a vet.

4.  a. Not yet. Let me check my list.  b. Thank you.

5.  a. Go straight two blocks and turn right.     b. I saw you in a picture.



1. 天气  _____________             6. come out_________________

2.滑雪   _____________             7. Great wall________________

3.一滴雨 _____________             8. Pyramid __________________

4. 机场  ______________            9.police station _______________

5.雨衣   ______________            10. Spaceship ________________


(     )1. _______season do you like?

A.What     B. How     C. Which

(     )2. Look__________those clouds!       A. at       B. for      C. after

(     )3. Tino likes      play in the rain.      A. to   B. in      C. at

(     )4.  Who ________the camera?        A. had   B. has   C. have

(     )5. I can_________at the beach.     A. swim    B. swam      C. swimming

(    ) 6. I _______my English book.

A  forget     B forgot     C    forgetting

(    ) 7. She’s ______astronaut.              A. a         Bⅹ        C    an

(    ) 8. _______ will you stay in Wonder Land.

A.  How many        B How old           C How long

(    ) 9. What do you do ________the weekend?      A. at     B   on      C  in

(    ) 10. Do you want to be a  _______?

A. swim  B  swimming    C   swimmer

(    ) 11.  There’s a snack bar  _____   the corner.

A. at    B  on     C   in


(     )1. What’s wrong with you?          A. Yes, it does.

(     )2.How is it going?                B. We go hiking in the fall.

(     )3. How do you do?                 C. I want to be a cook.

(     )4. What do you want to be?          D. Just great.

(     )5. How long will you stay in China?    E. How do you do?

(     )6. What do you do in the fall?        F. I’m sleepy.

(     )7. What would you like to eat?       G. For 3weeks.

(     )8. Does it rain in your country?       H. I’d like a hamburger, and Coke.

(     )9. May I see your ticket, please?      I. OK. Here you are.


1. it/ in/is/ going/a/ rain/ to/minute .


2. you/ can/ see/ white/ that/ building/ ?


3. are/ what/ you/ to/ going/ do/ ?



Hello! I’m Lisa. I have two good friends. They are Jucy and Lucy. We’re talking about seasons. I like summer best. I like swimming. Jucy and Lucy like winter. They like skating.

(     )1. Lisa likes summer.      (     )2. Jucy and Lucy like fall best.

(     )3. Lisa likes skating.       (     )4. We all like winter best.

(     )5. We are talking about animals.


1. I’ll ________a picture of you.  (take)

2. Who _________ in China.  (live)

3. I like ____________ planes. (fly)

4. He can __________ at the beach. (swim)

5. My uncle _________ winter best. (like)


假设你是Peter,你想去礼品店买礼物,在路上遇见了Jack,问他礼品店的位置。他告诉你要走过两个街区,就能在你的左边找到它。礼品店就在图书馆旁边。要求:语句通顺,没有语法错误,不少于30字。词汇提示:where, present, gift, shop, straight, blocks, left, library.



1. I’m very tired.

2. I usually go swimming at the pool.

3. Dongdong is going to help me.

4. Here is your boarding pass.

5. Excuse me. Is there a library near here?


1. Anything to drink?

2. What do you want to do?

3. What does your uncle do?

4. Are you ready to go?

5. Where is the gift shop?






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