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暑假是适用于全世界在校学生的一个较长的夏季假期。一般在7月-8月左右。。威廉希尔app 提供了下学期五年级英语下册暑假练习作业,希望能帮助大家更好的复习所学的知识。

一、Read and find. (找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。)

(    ) 1. A. his        B. mine        C. my          D. yours

(    ) 2. A. panda      B. monkey     C. zoo          D. elephant

(    ) 3. twelfth       B. second      C. one          D. fourth

(    ) 4. March        B. spring      C. summer       D. winter

(    ) 5. A. picnic      B. breakfast    C. lunch        D. dinner

(    ) 6. A. sleeping    B. drinking     C. quietly       D. listening

(    ) 7. A. when      B. what        C. clean         D. where

(    ) 8. A. eat        B. play        C. swimming     D. jump

(    ) 9. A. twenty     B. fifth        C. twentieth      D. thirtieth

(    ) 10.A. first       B. May       C. September     D. July

二、Read and judge. (判断下列图片与句意是(√)否(×)相符。)

(    ) 1. I often wash my clothes on Saturdays.

(    ) 2. Keep your desk clean.

(    ) 3. It’s 9 o’clock. Chen Jie is listening to music.

(    ) 4. The dog is Mike’s. It’s cute.

(    ) 5. Christmas Day is in November.

三、Read and choose. (看图片,选择合适的句子。)

(    ) 1. A. We usually have breakfast at seven twenty.

B. We usually have an English class at eight twenty.

C. We usually have a Chinese class at eight twenty.

(    ) 2. A. I like spring, because I can pick apples.

B. I like autumn, because I can pick apples.

C. I like autumn, because I can go for a picnic.

(    ) 3. A. They are playing with a ball.

B. They are jumping.

C. They are sleeping.

(    ) 4. A. My grandpa’s birthday is on April 20th.

B. My grandma’s birthday is on April 20th.

C. My grandma’s birthday is on April 12th.

(    ) 5. A. Fido is sleeping.

B. Fido is eating.

C. Fido is climbing.

四、Read and choose. (选择。)

(    ) 1. I usually play sports ______ 9:00.

A. on     B. in       C. at

(    ) 2. I like summer, _______ I can eat ice cream.

A. or      B. but      C. because

(    ) 3. -- When is Children’s Day?   -- It’s on _______.

A. March 8th    B. October 1st   C. June 1st

(    ) 4. -- What are the elephants doing?  -- ______ drinking.

A. They’re     B. We’re      C. It’s

(    ) 5. -- What will you do ____ your mum?  --I’ll cook noodles _____ her.

A. for, for       B. of, for     B. for, on

(    ) 6. -- Whose English book is this?   -- It’s ______.

A. me       B. my     C. mine

(    ) 7. -- What’s Chen Jie doing? -- She is __________.

A. read books   B. reads books    C. reading books

(    ) 8. -- Are they washing clothes?    -- ___________

A. Yes, you are.   B. Yes, she is.   C. Yes, they are.

(    ) 9. I often go ______ in summer.

A. swimming     B. swims     C. swim

(    ) 10. The little monkey is playing ______ its mother.

A. with      B. to        C. at

五、Read and choose. (选词填空。)

1. _________ do you get up?              At 6:00.

2. _________ season do you like best?      Autumn.

3. _________ is your art teacher?          Miss Zhang.

4. _________ do you like winter?          Because I can skate.

5. _________ is the elephant doing?        Drinking water.

八.六、Look and write.(根据图片写单词或词组,注意首字母大写。)

1. -- What is she doing? -- She is ________________________.

2. My birthday is on April 3rd. It’s the ________________ (第三)day of April.

3. If you are walking on a bridge. You must__________________.

4.                ball is it? It’s mine.

5. This is __________ bike.

七、Read and write. (用所给单词的适当形式填空。)

1. We often ___________ (watch) TV at 8 o’clock.

2. It’s 9 o’clock. Chen Jie is _________(have) an English class.

3. This schoolbag is __________( I ). That is __________ (she).

4. April Fool’s Day is on April ________(one).

八、Read and write. (连词成句。)

1. little    What   monkey    is    doing    the   (?)

2. he    Is    drinking    water    (?)

3. birthday   on   April   is    4th    My    (.)

4. We   class   at    1o’clock    finish   (.)

5. is    the      this     When     trip    year    (?)

九、Read and choose. (读一读,选择合适的内容补全对话。)

A: Do you like rabbits?

B: 1._____________

A: 2. _____________

B: I like monkey best. The little monkey is so cute.

A: Can monkeys climb trees?

B: 3. ____________

A: 4. ___________

B: No, they can’t fly.

A: Look! 5.______________

B: They are drinking water.

十、Read and choose. (读一读,判断正T误F。)

There is a nature park near our village. There is a forest in the nature park. There are many animals in the forest. Look! There is a tiger. It’s running. Some birds are on the trees. They are singing. Here comes a bear. It’s walking. Oh! Look at the monkeys.They are climbing trees. How cute they are! And some rabbits are playing with each other under a big tree.

(     )1.There is a zoo near our village. (     )2. There is a lake in the nature park.

(     )3. The tiger is running.           (     )4.The birds are flying.

(     )4. The monkeys are playing with each other.






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