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聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 为大家提供的2015年小学五年级英语暑假作业答案(人教版)


(C)1.A.old B.cold C.road D. boat

(A)2 A.tall B. talk C.tail D. tell

(D)3 A.chair B.hair C.care D.clear

(B)4 A.mouth B.month C.maths D.much

(D)5 A.word B.work C.worker D.water

(B)6 A.right B.bright C.night D.tonight

(D)7 A.boy B.toy C.soy D.enjoy

(B)8 A.show B.snow C.now D.know

(D)9 A.book B.look C.good D.cook

(C)10 A.little B.letter C.litter D.listen


1.(B)A.They are going to listen to music tomorrow evening.

B. They are going to see a film tomorrow evening.

C.They are going to the concert tomorrow evening.

2.(A)A.Miss Li telephoned Mr Green yesterday.

B.Miss Li didn’t telephone Mr Green yesterday.

C.Miss Li will telephone Mr Green now.

3.(B)A.Helen cleaned her shoes yesterday morning.

B.Helen cleaned her bedroom yesterday morning.

C.Helen cleaned kitchen yesterday morning.

4.(C)A.They will meet at 8:00 a.m.

B.They will meet at 8:00 p.m.

C.They will meet at 9:00 a.m.

5.(A) A.Did you have a good time at the party?

B.Did you enjoy a good rest at the party

(B)1. Don’t touch it. It’s dangerous.

(A)2. What did you do yesterday? I cleaned my bedroom.

(A)3. What are you doing , Tom? I’m playing computer games.

(C)4. What are they doing now? They are playing basketball.



1.concert(A) A.音乐会 B.音乐厅

2.tonight (B) A.晚上 B.今晚

3. gate(A) A.大门 B.游戏

4. yesterday(B) A.明天 B.昨天

5. last week(A) A.上星期 B.上周末

6. picnic(A) A.野餐 B.图片

7. upstairs(A) A.楼上 B.楼下

8. look after(A) A.照看 B.注意

9. visitor(B) A.参观 B.参观者

10. flat(B) A.房子 B.单元房


1. you, us, join, will. → Will you join us?

2. we, shall, concert, go, to, the → Shall we go to the concert?

3.yesterday, did, what, you, do → What did you do yesterday?

4. we, shall, meet, where, when, and → When and where shall we meet?


1. What are you going to do (tomorrow)? (tomorrow, yesterday)

2.What (did) you do yesterday? (do, did)

3.I (watched) a football match yesterday. (watch, watched)

4. (Look out)! The bus is coming.(Look out, Don’t walk)

5.(Excuse me) . How can I get to the Beijing Station.(Sorry, Excuse me)

四、根据所给的单词选择填空 :

(take, have, post, shall, get off)

1.Did you (have ) a good time at the party?

2.You’ve got a bad cold. (Take ) this medicine and have a good rest.

3.Take bus No.4 and (get off) at the next stop.

4. Did you (post ) the letter for me?

5. (Shall ) we go to the park?

五. 根据所给句子,选择正确答语:

(C) 1.What’s wrong with you, Mary?

(D) 2.What about going for a picnic?

(A )3.Where shall we meet?

(B) 4.Would you like to go to the concert with us tonight?

A. What about at the school gate?

B. I’d love to, but I have work to do.

C. I’m feeling ill.

D. Good idea.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的2015年小学五年级英语暑假作业答案(人教版)大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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