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威廉希尔app 小学频道为各位同学整理了2015年五年级英语暑假作业练习题,供大家参考学习。更多小学学习内容请关注威廉希尔app 小学频道。


(   ) 1. A. water     B. watch     C. wash

(   ) 2. A. season     B. ready     C. read

(   ) 3. A. the       B. desk       C. egg

(   ) 4. A. milk       B. unit       C. kid

(   ) 5. A. have       B. cat       C. cake

(   ) 6. A. Chair     B. bear       C. here

(   ) 7. A. rain       B. paint       C. play

(   ) 8. A. deer       B. wear       C. near

(   ) 9. A. do         B. too         C. does

(   ) 10. A. catch     B. watch       C. school


(   ) 1. A. September    B. summer        (   ) 2. A. swim   B. swing

(   ) 3. A. March         B. May          (   ) 4. A. up       B. us

(   ) 5. A. answer        B. center        (   ) 6. A. grapes   B. cat

(   ) 7. A. beef           B. sheep        (   ) 8. A. egg     B. pen

(   ) 9. A. meat        B. weather         (   ) 10. A. active   B. gate

(   ) 11. A. tube          B. toothbrush   (   ) 12. A. bread     B. sweater

(   ) 13. A. peach      B. jeans           (   ) 14. A. tasty     B. salty

(   ) 15. A. often        B. October       (   ) 16. A. why     B. January

(   ) 17. A. first         B. third        (   ) 18. A. make     B. skate

(   ) 19. A. young      B. about           (   ) 20. A. then     B. season

(   ) 21. A. and      B. many              (   ) 22. A. he     B. Chinese

(   ) 23. A. morning    B. work            (   ) 24. A. climb   B. kind

(   ) 25. A. either        B. eighth       (   ) 26. A. cleaner   B. her

(   ) 27. A. breakfast    B. at           (   ) 28. A. count     B. our

(   ) 29. A. snow         B. now          (   ) 30. A. hair     B. chair

(   ) 31. A. summer       B. teacher      (   ) 32. A. skate     B. plant

(   ) 33. A. great        B. sweater      (   ) 34. A. bear     B. dear

(   ) 35. A. air         B. pear          (   ) 36. A. many     B. chair

(   ) 37. A. bear        B. breakfast     (   ) 38. A. sports   B. short

(   ) 39. A. fly         B. kite          (   ) 40. A. ear     B. dear

三、 选择填空。

(   ) 1. ______ season do you like best?

A. Which     B. What’s   C. When

(   ) 2. How many ______ are there in June.

A. days     B. date     C. day

(   ) 3. Which season do you like best?   ________.

A. Fall     B. July     C. spring

(   ) 4. October is the ______ month of a year.

A. ten     B. two       C. tenth

(   ) 5. ______ is your birthday?

A. When   B. What     C. Where

(   ) 6. ______ has a birthday in October?

A. Who     B. Who’s     C. When

(   ) 7. ______ likes to get birthday cards.

A. I       B. They     C. Everyone

(   ) 8. What are you ______ ?

A. do     B. doing     C. does

(   ) 9. ______ she have a computer?

A. Do     B. Does     C. Is

(   ) 10. Let’s play _______.

A. the piano     B. piano

(   ) 11. ______ do you do on Sunday?

A. When       B. What

(   ) 12. ______ you set the table?

A. Can       B. Are

(   ) 13. ______ there any pandas in the mountains?

A. Is         B. Are

(   ) 14. April is the ______ month of a year.

A. fourth     B. four

(   ) 15. Which season do you like best?   I like summer ______.

A. best       B. /

(   ) 16. ______ do you do on the weekends?

A. When     B. What     C. Where

(   ) 17. ______ season do you like best?

A. Which     B. What’s     C. Which’s

(   ) 18. Why do you like winter?   _______ I can skate.

A. Because     B. Yes       C. But

(   ) 19. Which season do you like ______?

A. best       B. favourite

(   ) 20. What would you like ______ do?

A. too       B. to

(   ) 21.February is the ______ month of a year?

A. two       B. second

(   ) 22. Which month do you like best? ______.

A. Summer     B. August


1.Zhang peng’s sister is writing _______e—mail.

A、a    B、an    C 、

2. A:Hello,_______Mike.Can I speak to Tom?

B:Sure, hold on ,please.

A、I am   B、this is     C 、that is

3.Can ducks______?

A、swim, swimingB、swim   swimC 、swimming   swimming

4.The elephant_________walking and the monkeys______swimming.

A、is are B、is   is C 、are   are


I’m eating lunch

A、 do   do B、do   doing C 、are doing


1.drink water                       A、在书房里

2.cook dinner                 B洗碗碟、

3.read a book                 C洗衣服

4.write a letter                      D喝水

5.write an e—mail                  E写电子邮件

6.clean the room                    F做晚饭

7.listen to music                    G打扫房间

8.in the study                        H听音乐

9.do the dishes                       I看书

10.wash clothes                     J写信


what about   what are   what doing   speak to   they can’t

1._______is the tiger __________?   It is walking.

2.can elephant climb trees?   No, ________________

3.the mother panda   is eating. ______________the baby panda?

4.hello, can I__________mike,please?

5.__________ they doing?   They are eating bananas .


1那只母袋鼠正在跳  the mother_____is________.

2我妹妹正在画画       my sister is __________ ________.

3那两只狮子不是在睡觉,它们在打架   the two lions are not ______. They’re__________

4 John的母亲正在接电话   John’s mother______   ______   ________ ________.

5兔子不会飞,但它们会跑   Rabbits ______ _______, but they_______ ______.


It’s 8:00   in the evening . amy’s family are all at home. Look, amy is doing homework in her bedroom.   Her father is reading a book. Her mother is doing the dishes in the kichen . her bother Jim is writing an e—mail in the study.   Her sister Lucy listening to in the living room.

1. There are _________people   in   Amy’s family.

A、three    B、four    C 、five

2. Amy is in ___________.

A、her   bedroom   B、the   study C 、the   living   room

3. Amy’s mother is __________

A、reading a book B、doing the dishes   C 、listening to music

4. _________is writing an   e—mail

A、Kate’s brother    B、Amy’s sister C 、Amy’s father

5. Jim has two_______

A、brothers     B、sisters    C 、father

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的2015年五年级英语暑假作业练习题大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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