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威廉希尔app 小学频道为各位同学整理了外研版五年级英语最新暑假作业,供大家参考学习。更多小学学习内容请关注威廉希尔app 小学频道。


I. 听录音,将下列图片用“123...”排序。(每题2分,共16分)

1.   2.    3.   4.

( )                  ( )                ( )              ( )

5.    6.   7.   8.

( )               ( )              ( )               ( )

II. 听录音选出你所听到的单词。(每题2分,共8分)

( )1.A.car          B. bus           C. metro

( )2.fairy           B.Cinderella     C. prince

( )3.hospital        B. cinema        C.shop

( )4.Mid-Autumn Festival      B. Spring Festival       C.Chinese New Year

III. 听问句,选答句。(每题2分,共6分)

( )1.A. It’s in January                B.Yes, it is.           C.She is here.

( )2.A.Because I lost my way home.

B. So I walk home                        C. Sorry, I’m new here.

( )3.A.Turn right at the second traffic light.

B. It’s on Shanghai Street.                  C. It’s a long walk.


IV. 英汉互译。(每题1分,共10分)

1.穿上_______________       2.under a tree_______________

3.在街上_____________       4.make the bed______________

5.刷牙_______________       6.eat fruit_________________

7.赶走____________          8.look for__________________

9.吃水饺_______________     10.dress up_______________

V. 单项选择。(每题2分,共20分)

( )1.She_______go to bed. Because she will get up early tomorrow.

A. have to         B. has to    C.must

( )2. Please __________ the shoes.

A. put on          B. try on        C. hold on

( )3.She is ______ on the chair

A.sit              B.sits          C.is sitting

( )4.Turn right _____ the second traffic light.

A. in             B.on            C. at

( )5.Chinese eat _____ chopsticks.

A. in             B. with           C. on

( )6.We usually eat _____ at Mid- Autumn Festival.

A.moon cakes        B. rice dumplings     C. rice cakes

( )7.My birthday _____ coming.

A. do               B.does      C. is

( )8.I like reading stories _____ Cinderella.

A. in           B.on            C.about

( )9.He comes home _____a party.

A.in          B.from          C. at

( )10.We should _______ in the library.

A. be quiet     B.talk        C.laugh

VI. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(每题2分,共10分)

1.I don’t have _____(some)shoes.

2.She ____(live)in a big city.

3.I want ______(visit)your home.

4.I don’t know how ______(draw).

5.You should _____(have)a good rest.

VII. 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话,使意思保持完整。(每句2分,共12分)

A. I go to the farm to pick oranges. What about you ?

B. What’s the weather on National Day ?

C. It’s cloudy.

D. I have a picnic in the park with my family.

E. What do you do on National Day?

F. So We all have a good time.

VIII. 找出句中的错误并加以改正。(每题2分,共8分)

( )1.I want go to the cinema. ____________

A   B C

( )2.The boy starts run in the playground.__________

A   B C

( )3.He is sing in the study.__________

A B   C

( )Are your father cooking in the kitchen. __________

A            B    C

IX. 阅读短文选择正确答案。(每题2分,共10分)

Sandy is my cousin.He is only four years old.He likes to touch everything.One day,Sandy and I are taking a walk in the park.Suddenly,Sandy sees some bees on the flowers.He is very happy.He walks on the grass and catches them.Then a park keeper comes up to us.He points to a sign on the grass and says,“Can't you see the sign?”

Sandy says,“What does it mean?”“It means you shouldn't walk on the grass.Fine ten yuan.”“Oh,sorry,sir,I don't know the sign.I just have five yuan.I put only one foot on the grass.”The park keeper laughs and says,“OK,I won’t fine you.Remember don’t do it again.”

(  )1.--How old is Sandy?

--He is _____.

A.six              B.five              C.four

(  )2.--Where are they taking a walk?

-- _____.

A.In the school.      B.In the park.           C.On the grass.

(  )3.--Are there any bees on the flowers?

-- _____.

A.Yes,there are.        B.No,there aren’t.         C.Yes,there is.

(  )4.--What does the sign on the grass mean?

-- _____.

A.Don’t touch.          B.No climbing.          C.No walking.

(  )5.--Which of the following sentence is TRUE?

A.The park keeper fines Sandy ten yuan.

B.The park keeper fines Sandy five yuan.

C.The park keeper doesn’t fine Sandy.




I  1.brush one's teeth  2.turn right  3.a ship  4. put on  5.make the bed

6.play games  7.vegetables  8.sweep the floor

II. 1.car  2.Cinderella  3.shop  4.Mid-Autumn Festival


1.Is your birthday in January?

2.Why are you sad ?

3.How do I get to the library?


I. 4  3  2  1  5  8  7  6

II. 1.A  2.B  3.C  4.A

III. 1.B  2.A  3.A

IV 1.put on  2.在一棵树下 3.on the street  4.整理床铺  5.brush one's teeth

6.吃水果  7.drive away  8.寻找  9.eat dumplings  10. 装扮

V. 1.B  2.A  3.C  4.C  5.B  6.A  7.C  8.C  9.B  10.A

VI. 1.any  2.lives  3.to visit  4.to draw  5.have

VII. B  C  E  A  D  F

VIII. 1.C to go  2.C running  3.B singing  4.A is

IX. 1.C  2.B  3.A  4.C  5.C


VI .6. .I don’t have _____(some)shoes.


以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的外研版五年级英语最新暑假作业大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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