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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了小学五年级英语暑假作业题,希望对大家有所帮助和练习。并祝各位同学在暑假中过的快乐!!!。

一、听句子,把描述各人的句子的字母编号填在括号内。 (6%)

1. Mrs. Webb ( )

2. Miss White ( )

3. Jiamin ( )

4. Dim ( )

A. never gets up early in the morning.

B. is sometimes late for school.

C. cleans the kitchen quite often.

D. always watches TV for too long.

E. 2014年小学英语五年级期中试卷下册:always gets up at half past seven.

F. usually cooks dinner for the children.

G. seldom has lunch at the school canteen.

H. usually goes to work by car.


1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( )

4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( )

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he doesn't.

C. She's 3 years older than me. D. No, I can't.

E. Usually by underground. F. I’d be glad to.

G. Yes, of course. H. Yes, I am.



1. He goes to school by_______________.

2. What ____________ do you teach, Miss White?

3. I want to be his ____________.

4. ____________ hard and be good.

5. These children are my ____________.

6. Do you have any ______________ after school?

7. He can always ____________ the work before dinner.

8. Do you always get up _______________?

9. Her home is _______________ the railway station.

10. I'd be glad to _______________ you.


( ) 1. Wang Li is ____________ years older than his sister.

A. two B. three C. four

( ) 2. Wang Li goes to school with ____________.

A. his sister B. his mother C. his classmate

( ) 3. Wang Li and his sister go to school ____________.

A. by bike B. by car C. by bus

( ) 4. Wang Li's sister finishes her homework _______________.

A. at school B. before dinner C. after dinner

( ) 5. Wang Li ____________ after school in the afternoon.

A. plays football B. practices the piano

C. plays computer games

( ) 6. Wang Li _____________ after dinner.

A. watches TV B. does his homework

C. plays football


1. Don't _______________ (worry, worried), your son will be fine soon.

2. History, maths and English are school ________________ (subjects, languages).

3. You are one year _________________ (old, older) than me.

4. Your mother _______________ (look, looks) young.

5. Where does your father _______________ (work, works)?

6. He plays the guitar __________________ (in, for) haft an hour each day.

7. You look much taller now than _______________ (before, after).

8. He can't do _____________ (good, well) in class.

9. He plays computer games too _______________ (many, much) .

10. You _______________ (should, shouldn't) read in bed.

It's bad for your eyes.


( ) 1. A. She is playing the guitar.

B. She is practicing the piano.

C. She is talking to her friend on the phone.

( ) 2. A. She is doing his homework.

B. She is tired and he is sleeping.

C. She is reading.

( ) 3. A. She goes to school at8:00.

B. She is working in her office.

C. She is going to school with her brother.

( ) 4. A. She teaches music.

B. She teaches English.

C. She is an art teacher.

( ) 5. A. The boy is handing in his homework to his teacher.

B. The boy is talking in class.

C. The boy is writing on his exercise book.

( ) 6. A. The man is watching TV.

B. The man is writing an email on the computer.

C. The man is playing a game on the computer.


1. A: ____________ is your plane leaving for Beijing?

B: At a quarter to seven.

2. A: Your father looks young. _______________ is he?

B: He's 46.

3. A: ____________ are you going on holiday?

B: I'm going to Hong Kong.

4. A: ____________ is your new bike?

B: It's blue.

5. A: ____________ is the boy in the jacket?



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