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(    )4.Do you like dolphins?         D . It’s summer.

(    )5.Where do you live?           E. Because they are cute.

(    )6.What colour is autumn?        F. No, I don’t.

三、 单项选择,选择合适的答语并将其编号填入题前括号内..

(    )1.---What do you wear in summer, Le le? ----________.

A. I wear a dress. B. I wear jeans.   C. I wear a blouse.

(    )2. Winter is here. It’s getting ______.

A. hot              B. cold            C. warm

(    )3. We live in ______.

A. Sichuan        B. china        C. chongqing

(    )4. Look! There is a bird _____ the tree.

A. on              B. in             C. at

(    )5. It’s hot. It’s time to _______.

A. go skating   B .go for an outing  C. go swimming

(    )6.---What do you _____? ----T-shirt.

A. wear           B. needs           C. put on

(    )7. Flowers ____in spring.

A. bloom           B. blow           C. plant

(    )8. Spring _____ from March to May.

A. last              B. lasts            C. are

(    )9. It’s hot. She ____ a hat.

A. want             B. needs           C .have

(    )10.---Sorry! ---_____.

A. That’s OK.        B. That’s ok.     C .that’s OK.

(      ) 11. ---_What are you going to do?

--- I’m going to _____________       .

A. water flowers     B.playing football      C. singing a song

(     )12.I’m looking ____my pen.

A. from       B. for      C. at

(     )13. I’m ______ your dad.

A. is          B. no       C.not

(     )14. ---_____ you Ting Ting?

--- Yes, _____ am.

A. is , I        B. are, I       C. Are , I

(     )15.---What colour ______?

---It’s purple.

A. is it?       B. it is       C.  are they

(     )16. What is the date today?

A.June 2th       B. Sunday      C. February 10th

(     )17.--- Hello.This is Rose.Who’s calling?

--- ._______TingTing speaking.

A. This is         B. I’m        C.That is

(    )18.----Why do you love zebras?

---- Because they have -_____.

A. beautiful feathers  B. hard shells  C. nice furs

(    )19.----where do they live?

----They  live_____       England.

A. in   B. from  C. on

(   )20.----What do you wear in spring?      -----We wear ______     .

A. shirt      B. coat and gloves   C.T-shirt



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