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以下是威廉希尔app 小编精心为大家分享的小学2014五年级英语暑假练习作业欢迎大家参考学习。

一、 听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。(10分)

1. tasty        2.boat         3.sat        4.headache       5. today

yucky       coat            cat          toothache         tonight

6.doctor          7.worry      8.call      9.blew          10.bedroom

dentist           sorry        ball        blow           bathroom

二、 听录音,判断正误,与图片相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”. (8分)

1.                  2.                   3.                         4.

(    )           (    )              (    )               (    )

5.                6.                  7.

(    )           (    )             (    )                   (    )

三、 听录音,根据你所听到的问题,选出它的最佳回答。(8分)

(    )1. A. He was in hospital.        B. She was in hospital.

(    )2. A. It was snowy and cold.     B. It is rainy and warm.

(    )3. A. She read some books.      B. She went to France.    .

(    )4. A. He sang songs.            B. We went home .

(    )5. A. I went to the park.          B. I was in my room.

(    )6.A.A typhoon comes.           B. Many windows broke.

(    )7.A.She’s going to get a haircut.   B. They are going to get a haircut..

(    )8. A. Sure. I’ll do it later.

B. I have a headache.

四、 听对话,回答问题。(10分)

(    )1. What do they need?

A. tofu          B. sugar and meat      C. sugar and salt.

(    )2. When’s Peter’s birthday?

A. October 2nd        B. June 1st          C. February 24th

(    )3. What did you do last night?

A. cooked dinner      B. helped my mom    C. planted trees

(    )4. What was the weather like last night?

A. rainy             B. cool             C. cloudy

(    )5. What was the date yesterday?

A. January 1st       B. January 22nd            C. January 21st


Food    beach   come   play   are   watch

Tomorrow is Saturday. It is my family day. We _________ going to Zhuhai for vacation. We are going to the ______.My father is going to ______ volleyball with his friends. My mother and I are going to _____the game.After that, we are going to go shopping. We are going to shop for some tasty _____in Zhuhai. Then we are going to _____ back to Zhongshan.

Reading & Writing 笔试部分55%

六 、在方框内选词替换与划线部分同类的单词或词组,并写在横线上。(共15小题;每小题1分)

spicy   January    windy    sang a song   read some books   June    yucky    rainy   cook some food  cloudy  yummy  see the doctor   made models     March   visit relatives

1.The weather is sunny.

A. ________________    B. _______________   C. ________________

2.The food is tasty.

A. ________________    B. _______________   C. ________________

3.I wrote a letter yesterday .

A. ________________    B. ______________    C. _________________

4.Did he go to the swimming pool last month?

A. ________________    B. _______________   C. _________________

5.When’s you birthday?--- My birthday is on December 1st.

A. _______________     B. _______________   C. _________________

七、 单项选择(共8小题;每小题1分 )

(      ) 1. They________Shanghai>

A. is from      B. come from     C. comes from

(      ) 2. I want _______milk.

A. two bottle of      B. a cups of        C. two boxes of

(      ) 3. What happened_ ________ the old man?

A. for        B. to         C. with

(      ) 4.Who _______surf the net?

A. is going to     B. are going     C. will to

(      ) 5. He has _______ earache.

A. a     B. an       C. the t

(      ) 6.It will be ______ the day after tomorrow.

A. rain        B. rainy       C. snow

(      ) 7. Jenny saw a coat_______ the tree.

A.in   B.on      C. at

(      ) 8. She_______a letter to her friend last night..

A. writes        B. wrote      C. is writing



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