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A .also            B. too          C. either

(    )9.The gold medal is

A .me             B. mine        C. my

(    )10.Janet          a young apple tree last year.

A .plant           B. planting         C. planted

(    )11. I can’t walk home. My home is ________ the school. I have to take a bus.

A. close to          B. far away from      C. behind

(    )12.Ben usually         his homework at 7:30.

A do              B. does        C. did

(    )13. You ________ play football on the busy street. It’s dangerous.

A. needn’t           B. don’t         C. mustn’t

(    )14. Kate is one of ____________ students in her class.

A.good           B. better         C. the best

(    )15.There are more and more           in the apple tee .

A .leaf              B. leaves        C. leafs

(    )16.A:  ________ you busy yeaterday ?

B: No , I _________

A. Were, was           B. Were, weren’t         C. Were, wasn’t



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