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以下是威廉希尔app 小编精心为大家分享的外研版五年级最新的英语暑假作业欢迎大家参考学习。


一、 小小书法家。

1. There are lots of tall buildings and lots of cars and people.

2. After the show we went to a restaurant.

3. I’ve got an email from little Tom.

4. Have you got a small one, please?

5. Tonight Mum is going to cook Chinese food for Lingling.


(    )1、A. woman  B. children  C. man   D. actor

(    )2、A. bed     B. room    C. pen    D. window

(    )3、A. after    B. before    C. in    D. ready

(    )4、A. grandchildren B. grandmother C. lady D. parent

(    )5、A. television B. radio C. telephone  D. taxi


( )1.My  bike  is __________.I  want  a  new  one.

A. nice     B. broken    C. new   D. lovely

( )2.She  cooked   Chinese  food  __________.

A. tonight   B. tomorrow   C. last night  D. now.

( )3.I  like  meat  and  she __________vegetables.

A. like  B. likes   C. liked   D. like to

(  ) 4.Let’ s   send    an  email  __________our  teacher.

A. for  B. to    C. on   D. form

(  ) 5.Hannan  is  __________the  south  __________China.

A. on; form    B. to; in    C. in; of  D. in form

(  ) 6.I  want  __________a  map  of  China.

A. buy    B. is  buying   C. to  buy  D. bought

(  ) 7.I’ ll  __________home  at  six  o’clock.

A. at   B.  be   C. go  to   D. go

(  ) 8.---When  did  you  go  to  Xinjiang.


A. Tomorrow.   B. Today    C. Last  week

(  ) 9.We are going to the airport       6:00.

A. in       B. at       C. on  D.of

(  ) 10.I am going to      him.

A. meat   B. meet   C. think   D. with

(  ) 11.              ?---I’m fine.

A. How do you do  B. How are you

C. How many       D. How much

(  ) 12.I am going to the park       two days.

A. at      B. on   C. to    D. in

(  ) 13.She     a teacher.

A. am     B. is     C. are  D.was

(  ) 14.Let’s    to the library.

A. went    B. to go   C. goes   D. go

(  ) 15.It       a small house ten years ago.

A. was    B. were   C. is    D. 不填



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